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Y/N's P.O.V

As he insisted, I nodded my head and opened the door. We both left the building together in silence, walking beside each other almost as if we didn't want to talk to each other.

Eventually both of us began to talk, the awkwardness in the air subsided and we were laughing more than we ever have. Soon enough, we came to the same lake as we did last night, however, the lake looked completely different now that it was day time. Instead of the street lights making the water glimmer with the moon and stars creating a beautiful background, you could now see pink and white lilies scattered across it, with vibrant green grass and crystal blue water. I immediately got my camera out and Kevin looked surprised.

"You took a picture of the lake last night, why again?" He asked curiously. I smiled as I took my picture and then turned to face him.

"You get a completely different perspective on photos solely because of what time of day or season a photo is taken in" I said and he nodded.

"I understand" He said and smiled, "You seem really invested in photography" He added and I nodded.

"My grandfather loved photography, and he used to take a lot of photos of our family. He showed me his cameras, granted some were old, but it always interested me" I said and he smiled.

"That's very sweet" He said and I smiled back at him.

We continued to talk whilst walking around the area. When it got to lunchtime, we stopped in a cafe and ordered hot chocolates and cakes. I used my phone to take a picture of Kevin looking at his cake and sipping his hot chocolate. He liked my pictures and wanted to take some of me in the same style. I let him take them on my phone and once he was done I looked at them, he takes good pictures too.

"Do you want me to send these to you?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course! I want these pictures to remember today" He said. I looked down at my phone before he would see me blushing from his words.

Once I had sent them to him, we ate our food and then left the cafe. We decided to go shopping for a while, we spent a lot of time running around after each other, but we did buy some things. We then decided to watch a movie since we were both interested in one being shown in the theatre. We both took pictures of each other with our popcorn, and just as we had taken them the lights dimmed for the movie.

Once the movie had ended, the sun didn't have long before it was going to set. We walked for a long time, and as the sun was beginning to set as we reached the han river. We both sat and watched the sun set together, still talking about countless things.

I looked back at him since he sat behind me, and he had his phone ready for a picture. I smiled and he laughed before taking the picture. The two of us suddenly fell silent, but eventually I spoke to break this.

"Thanks for coming along today. I know I didn't want you to in the beginning, I'm glad you insisted" I said and he smiled widely.

"I'm glad I was persistent too, this has been a really fun day, actually, one of the best days in a while" He said. I smiled and blushed which he noticed clearly.

"That's cute" He muttered, did I hear him correctly?

"What did you say?"

"I said that's cute" He said with a smile, almost smirk on his face.

I pulled a puzzled expression and then he explained himself.

"That you're glad I insisted to come along" He said and I smiled.

"It was cute that you insisted to come along" I said, surprising myself and catching Kevin off guard. He smiled and moved to sit beside me.

"It's cute that you were taking pictures all day" He said and I shook my head with a smile.

"It's cute that you wanted all of them"

"It's cute that you tried to stop me paying for your cakes"

"It's cute how you're so persistent"

"It's cute how you're so perfect" He said confidently, my eyes widened and he smiled. I couldn't think of anything to say...

"You think so?" I asked and he nodded sincerely.

"Why would I lie to you?" He said and I smiled.

"Maybe I think the same about you" I said back, and he was just as shocked as I was.

"I like you Y/N" He said to me simply, I felt my heart start pounding at his words, I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"I like you too" I said shyly, he laughed and hugged me tightly, and I hugged him back just as tight.

"Let's head home, and maybe tomorrow we can go on a date instead of a spontaneous day out together?" He said, but posed the question of a date. I blushed wildly and nodded. He smiled, stood up, grabbed my hand and helped me up so we could start walking home.

Our hands never parted.

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