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Kevin's P.O.V

"Where do I start?" I said to myself, feeling slightly pressured but ready to say a lot about her.

"She's hardworking and determined. She's auditioned so many times and hasn't given up on her dream, and now that she's made it, she hasn't started to slack. She's been writing and composing songs, dancing, singing and she's doing all of it effortlessly. Her voice is absolutely incredible, she dances so effortlessly and her songs she has written have powerful lyrics. She plays so many instruments so well too. She's like the definition of a perfect idol. She's cheerful and always has a beautiful smile on her face, she's always making people laugh or joining in with the laughter. She is one of the best photographers I have ever seen, she made us walking down the street laughing look so beautiful and meaningful. Her mind is always captured by the most simple things, she got lost looking at the lake, and took wonderful pictures of it too. Seeing her smile makes me smile, seeing her laugh makes me want to laugh too. Being with her has me feeling things I've never felt before. Being around her makes me feel like nothing could ever go wrong" I whispered to him, and he smiled at me before speaking.

"I'm no master in love, but you don't just like her Kevin, you love her" He said and I nodded.

"I guess I do" I said, looking over to her one more time, seeing her happily asleep made me smile.

We turned our attention to the movie, unsure of what had happened in the last ten minutes of it. We tried to make sense of it, but we must have missed a key part. Instead, I was getting tired too, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep in my spot.

Jacob's P.O.V

I saw Kevin had also fallen asleep besides Y/N, and I decided to mess with them a little bit.

I got up from my seat and moved Y/N so her head was resting perfectly on Kevin's shoulder, everyone was smiling as I did this, and just then I noticed that Y/N had Kevin's jacket on. I pointed it out to everyone and all they did was smile at them. They both like each other, and they're perfect for each other. They just haven't seen each other's feelings yet.

Once the movie had ended, Aurora wanted to go to their rooms and Eric and I decided to stay on the couches. However, we didn't want to disturb Y/N and Kevin. We weren't sure what to do, but we decided to get Kevin to move Y/N to her room.

We woke up Kevin and looked at the both of us with a confused expression, then he looked to his shoulder and smiled widely once he saw Y/N resting on it.

"She needs to rest in her room, all the girls have gone to their rooms. Eric and I plan on staying on the couches. Could you take her to her room whilst we clean up in here?" I asked him and he nodded. Instead of waking her up, he gently picked her up and carried her in the direction of their rooms. Their doors had their names on so luckily he didn't disturb anyone trying to find her room. We were surprised that he managed to carry her there safely, we were sure he would hit her head on a wall by accident, but he was taking extra care of her.

After a while, Kevin still hadn't returned so we decided to investigate. We peeked in the door and saw Kevin asleep with Y/N resting her head on his chest. We smiled and shut the door again and went to go to sleep on the couches.

Kevin's P.O.V

I put Y/N into her bed and then put her cover over her, as I was about to leave she lightly grabbed my hand. I looked and saw she was still asleep, I smiled and decided to stay with her as that's what she wanted. I pulled back the cover and got under it, and I pulled her closer, she hugged onto me and rested her head on my chest. I could see a faint smile in the dim light of the room, I smiled too and closed my eyes, soon falling asleep.

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