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three days before debut...

Your P.O.V

Over these past few weeks I have recorded all of my vocals for the mini album, had my photoshoot for concept photos, I was revealed as the last member and we recorded our music video yesterday. I had met all of The Boyz except Younghoon and Kevin until yesterday where I met Younghoon as he guest starred in the music video.

For our music video, Minseo styled us in three different ways. We had flowing dresses for the first look, casual looks for our acted story-based scenes and our choreography recording clothes which were more matching with each other but looked really nice and fitted our video well. For this comeback my hair is now a slightly lighter brown but it has natural blonde highlights in it.

After all of my schedule today, I decided to go back to the practice room and pick up a guitar. I sat playing random chords for different songs but suddenly some ideas for lyrics came to mind. The lyrics were all about how fast life has been moving and that I hope it will slow down soon.

Within 30 minutes, I had written lyrics for a song but I needed to figure out how it should sound. As i hummed my lyrics to different chords on the guitar the door slowly opened. I figured it would be Jacob since he told me he would come into this room today so I kept playing and humming until I found a suitable chord.

I looked up and noticed that the person wasn't Jacob, it was Kevin.

"H-Hi, sorry I thought you were someone else walking into the room so I didn't greet you" I stuttered and he laughed.

"It's okay" He said sweetly, "I'm glad we finally met, I'm Kevin" He said and I smiled.

"My name is Y/N" I said shyly.

"I've heard a lot about you from the other guys, what have you been doing?" He asked me and I smiled.

"I've been songwriting, I have no schedule for the rest of the day" I said and he seemed curious to read my lyrics, so without speaking I handed them to him. He smiled and read then quietly.

"These are really good, I didn't expect you to write songs" He said smiling, I smiled too and took back my paper as he held it out for me.

"Thank you, I should probably go if you need this room" I quickly said, sitting up but he stopped me.

"It's okay! We all decided to meet here today and it'd be fun for you to join us" He said brightly and I smiled gratefully.

"Thank you Kevin" I smiled more and so did he.

Just as I sat back down Jacob and Eric came into the room. Suddenly an English conversation started between the three of them and I sat there in awe. I didn't expect three of them to be fluent... Luckily I lived in America for half of my life so I am also fluent and can understand them. They were talking about where the rest of them were and how long they'd take to get here.

"Sorry Y/N for rushing away from you like that" Kevin said walking back to me, leaving Eric and Jacob to talk on their own.

"It's okay" I muttered as I reread my lyrics.

"Did we put you off with the English?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No I understood you all it didn't distract me" I said and he seemed surprised but nodded.

He ended up dragging me to talk with them all in English until the rest of them showed up. I sat to the side as they all practiced their choreography for their next comeback.

However, virtually the whole time, I couldn't take my eyes off of Kevin.

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