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Kevin's P.O.V

Once we had got to the practice rooms, Hyunjae knew exactly what we were going to ask. He explained the story, and apologised to me for if it seemed like something else.

"There's no need to apologise Hyunjae, but thank you for explaining" I responded and he nodded.

We left him to practice and I decided I'd go and visit Y/N whereas Hwall and Q went back to our dorms.

I knocked on their door and Dayeol answered. She told me Y/N had fallen asleep because she was exhausted. I went into her room and sat with her until she woke up.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me, stunned to see me. I mean, I would be surprised to see someone randomly sat in my room too.

"I came to visit you but because you were asleep I stayed quiet until you woke up" I explained and she smiled.

"How long have you been here?" She asked and I laughed.

"45 minutes" I answered, her eyes widened and she slapped me playfully.

"That's such a long time Keb! You should have just woken me" She said, I laughed and shook my head.

"You needed the rest, okay?" I said and she nodded.

We ended up talking about a lot of things and ordering food. We laughed and watched movies until both of us felt so tired we eventually fell asleep.

a few weeks later...

Y/N's P.O.V

Since The Boyz have a brand new and much nicer manager, everything has been running so much nicer. Aurora and The Boyz have a scheduled meeting today with our managers early this morning.

During the last few weeks Aurora has had a few promotions, and I have written and composed a few more songs. Now I have 6 songs written and ready to release one day.

Haeun woke us all up with breakfast today, we ate and then got ready to attend the meeting. We slowly made our way up to the meeting room.

Everyone sat down and our two managers explained that once Aurora had made a second comeback, both The Boyz and Aurora are going to tour Asia together. Along with this, Kevin and I have become a popular topic as many believe and support us being together. Our managers want us to reveal our relationship just before the tour begins, as long as we are comfortable with it.

We were all excited to be going on tour together, and us girls were really excited for a second comeback. We all cheered and the meeting was dismissed, I had to go to vocal training for the rest of the day.

I got back to the dorm at 10pm, and as I slowly walked into the kitchen I saw Kevin cooking food. I was shocked to see him but I smiled nonetheless.

"You've been busy all day so I'm making us food" He said and I thanked him.

A few minutes later the food was cooked and he gave me some to eat. He gave himself sone but cleaned the kitchen before eating. We ate and spoke about the meeting, and once we were finished we cleaned our plates and he stayed at our dorm for the night.


hi guys!

sorry this chapter is a little shorter :/ i'm struggling for ideas and i really want to work on new ideas for other stories so i'd like to finish this one asap!

thank you guys for all the endless support!!

your author <3

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