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Y/N's P.O.V

I watched and saw Kevin walk into the practice room. I smiled and so did he, he walked towards me and eventually sat beside me after pulling a chair closer.

"You're not being in here alone, not after what happened in here last time" He said and I smiled.

"Thank you for looking after me" I said shyly, and he laughed timidly.

"Anything for you Y/N" He said calmly, I was taken by surprise and blushed at what he said. There was a small but comfortable silence between us, until he broke it.

"So, what are you writing?" He asked, turning his head to read my writing.

"I am writing lyrics for a duet piece, do you want to help?" I asked and he eagerly nodded.

"Of course I would" He said and we smiled towards each other.

He gave me some ideas for English lyrics to fit in because I hadn't thought about those yet. We sat there for hours, but it felt like much less because I was with him. We laughed, made progress and helped each other. We eventually finished the lyrics and even started making some backing music for the song.

"So who were you planning to do this song with?" He asked as I smiled widely before I answered.

"Uh..." I said quietly, I then laughed because I got nervous and eventually mustered enough courage to speak. "I was hoping you would do it with me" I said looking at the floor, he laughed before lifting my head by my chin.

"Don't get shy about it, I'd love to do it with you" He replied and I was surprised.

"Really?" I asked with a high voice, his smile widened and he nodded.

"Of course, why would I say no?" He asked and I shrugged. "Exactly, I love you and I love your voice so why would I say no?" He said calmly, but what he said left me in complete shock.

He said he loves me?

At the moment I realised what he said, so did he. A sudden look of surprise came across his face and then he excused himself to go to the restroom. When he left a large smile grew on my face, did he really say that and mean it?

Kevin's P.O.V

After I realised what I had said, I told Y/N that I needed to go to the restroom and quickly left. Once the door had shut I ran to another practice room where Eric, Jacob, Sunwoo and New were all practising. I stopped in the middle of the room out of breath. 

"What are you doing?" Eric asked me with a confused expression.

"Were you running?" New said right after and was laughing at my lack of air.

"Where were you?" Jacob said calmly.

"Guys let him catch his breath, he's not that athletic" Sunwoo commented which made everyone laugh and I rolled my eyes.

"I was running out of a practice room to find any of you" I said once I had caught my breath. "I was with Y/N helping her write lyrics" I explained, the moment I mentioned Y/N's name they all began to smirk.

"But what happened in there to make you run away?" Jacob asked and I sighed, I sat on the floor and they all joined me.

"I accidentally said 'I love you' to her" I admitted, their eyes widened and they all cheered a little.

"You've finally admitted it to yourself and to her!" New said virtually bouncing on the floor, I chuckled and sighed.

"I guess I did" I added and they all had smiles on their face which told me they were happy for me.

"As long as you truly meant it, it's okay" Jacob said to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I can tell she loves you too, so she's probably surprised to have heard it so suddenly" He added.

"So what do I do? Do you think I've scared her off?" I asked now worried about what I did.

"Of course you haven't" He reassured me, "Go back and talk to her about it, tell her exactly how you feel" He finished with that and I nodded.

"Thanks guys, I'll see you later" I said, standing up to leave. They all said goodbye and waved whilst I walked out of the room and closed the door to go back to the practice room.


hello again! if you're sick of me leaving little notes like this please tell me

i'm so surprised! we're closer to 500 views than i thought we'd ever be! this is actually unreal, thank you guys so much and i hope i keep you entertained enough to keep reading

i also want to thank those of you who are adding this to their reading lists, voting and keeping up with my irregular updates, the fact people take their time to read this means the world to me

please feel free to let me know what you think! 

your author <3

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