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*the picture is the outfit i mention*

day of debut...

Your P.O.V

I slept in later today since we had no schedule. Today is the day of our debut. We all decided to relax in our dorm together whilst waiting for our music video and mini album to be released. We have seen many people already supporting us which was really heartwarming.

I saw that it was 11:00am and I decided to finally get out of my warm bed. I cleaned myself up and put on a nice outfit (the picture). I quickly put on my timberlands, did a small bit of makeup and put on some silver fake glasses. I was happy with my look today so I took some pictures with Dayeon who also liked her outfit today. We ended up with so many photos but we chose some to upload on our Twitter and different ones for our Instagram. Since we're also allowed our own separate Instagrams we took pictures of each other to put on those too.

I went back into my room after having a few hours with the group members and I got out my guitar again. After just under two hours I finished making a guitar line for my song. Suddenly I realised there was a lot more noise coming from where the girls were than before. Before I could get up to investigate, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in" I virtually shouted as I was putting my guitar away. I looked up and saw Kevin, I smiled brightly and he smiled back. The rest of his group are here, that explains the noise.

"Were we distracting?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not at all" I answered, "I finished my guitar part so I just need to make a piano part and then hopefully put it all together" I continued and he nodded.

"That's great, I can't wait to hear it" He said and I smiled. "They're all playing Mario Kart against each other and they wanted me to get you to come and play too" He carried on and I nodded. We both left my room and joined the rest of them quietly.

"Hey look Y/N actually made it!" Eric said and we all laughed, but no one understood him since he spoke in English.

"Korean please Eric, not everyone is multilingual" I said and they laughed and nodded.

"Hey Y/N you're the younger one come on respect me like you should" He said and I burst out laughing.

We had to translate what happened and Kevin seemed to have a surprised look on his face. I won't question it.

Suddenly when the game between Haeun and Juyeon ended, Jiyoo pulled out a bowl full of names written on paper. She pulled out my name and Jacob's name.

Everyone was shouting amongst themselves as we played our games. Which meant Jacob could talk to me without anyone noticing.

"What were you and Kevin doing?" He whispered just in case and I went wide eyed and laughed.

"Nothing I swear" I said and we quickly glanced at each other, he looked like he didn't believe me and we both laughed.

"I was composing a song and he came to get me to play Mario Kart but we talked about the song too" I explained and I saw from the corner of my eye that he nodded.

"Okay I'll let you off" He said and laughed to himself, "But you're blushing, so you like him don't you?" He said and I was shocked by what he said.

Me? Like Kevin? Really?

But he said I'm blushing...

As I won the race I quickly felt my cheeks and they were hot. I shook my head with a wide grin on my face and tried to deny it but I couldn't. Maybe I do like him, even only a little bit. No surely not. I hardly know him.

"I'm guessing that means yes, but don't worry I won't tell him" He said and tapped his nose. I stood up and went back to my room and jumped onto my bed.

Maybe I do like Kevin...

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