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Y/N's P.O.V

I put on a large coat and almost ran out of the building to find him. I ran to the lake as fast as I could, the sun was beginning to set and once I reached the lake I slowed down.

My footsteps must have been heavy as they got Kevin's attention, he turned and smiled, walking but then eventually running to me to hug me.

"I'm so sorry" He said, it sounded like he had been crying, once we broke the hug I saw his eyes were red. It hurt to see him this hurt.

"It's okay, they can't keep track of who we call or text, so we can still talk somehow" I said and he nodded.

"Can we call every night possible?" He asked and I nodded instantly.

"Of course"

"Thank you"

He pulled me forward for another hug and kissed my forehead. I smiled burying my head into his neck. We walked back together but I ended up going in first because we couldn't be spotted together.

I got back to the dorm and saw he had already messaged me.

Keb: I'll message you whenever I can, no matter what time of day <3

I smiled and replied to him, and Haeun came over to me to ask what happened. I told her everything and she felt sorry for us.

"The Boyz are planning things to help you guys out, trust me they will get us free of the dating ban, they know something we clearly don't" She said and I nodded.

"I'll let you call or text him now, make sure to eat" She said an left me. I smiled before going to my room and calling him for an hour.

Hyunjae's P.O.V

I sat down in my dorm room alone, thinking of how to tackle this nightmare. I knew exactly what I had to do, I just didn't know how to do it.

Sunwoo entered and I asked him to help me, he agreed and we both sat thinking of countless ideas. We settled on one and decided to put the plan into action.

We know some of the members are paid less than others for only one reason, they are born or lived mostly outside of Korea or are not fully Korean. This is solely because our manager dislikes those in the kpop industry who aren't fully Korean, so he doesn't think they deserve as much pay. He takes the money (since he has to give us our pay) and it simply isn't fair. We have been meaning to mention this to higher staff but now is an even better time to do so. What he is doing is illegal and will get him fired.

We both decided we'd go to them now, we had no time to lose. We ran our way up to the offices and knocked once we had caught our breath.

"Come in"

We opened the door, walked in and sat down where we were told to.

We explained everything, from the unequal pay and the dating ban and they did not look impressed.

"The dating ban simply does not apply, he is not allowed to give orders to other staff without speaking to us first. Secondly, you are correct that the pay is not fair so we will take matters into our own hands. Soon enough you will have a new manager as your current manager has been illegally taking your money, and he will be punished for what he has done. Please tell your other members and Aurora to ignore the dating plan, and thank you for telling us" They said and we smiled, thank them massively and left. We ran back to the dorms to tell them the good news.


hi guys!

sorry my last two updates weren't chapters, but i wanted to make sure people reading were aware of Kevin's health and i wanted to speak about it myself :)

since christmas is tomorrow and most of us will be spending time with family and friends, i won't do many or any updates for at least the next couple days, i'm sorry :(

i will update as soon as possible! i hope you're all doing great and please remember to vote if you like the story or comment if you have anything to say!!

your author <3

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