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the next morning...

Y/N's P.O.V

I was woken up by Jiyoo who told me she was feeling sick so she wouldn't be attending our dance practice together. I nodded and got up to prepare myself for a dance practice alone. Minseo gave me breakfast as usual, which I quickly ate and then left to the practice rooms. I saw Hyunjae, Juyeon and Kevin along the way. I hugged them all and they all had practice too, but in a separate room.

I practiced our dances for a couple of hours before deciding to go against schedule and do some vocal practice. Before I knew it my time was up, Hyunjae came in to get me so we could leave to go out. I walked out and he quickly grabbed my hand screaming "we're going to be late!" so I had to run after him, but I was laughing so much at his sudden realisation and reaction.

We virtually ran all the way to the bowling alley and once we got there we were so tired. We decided to get some food first so we could cool down after the run.

"Did you have to drag me?" I questioned, he laughed and nodded.

"Yes I did, you wouldn't have ran if I just told you we would be late" He retorted.

"We're still going to be late because we're getting food and drinks" I said and he sighed.

"That's true, oh well" He said calmly.

"Oh well?! You made me run! Never in a million years do I run!" I said and he laughed more than ever.

"Maybe you should start running, you'd be a bit less breathless after that short journey" He said cheekily and I slapped his arm.

"You little b-" I was about to say before he cut me off.

"Don't be so rude, after all I'm your brother" He said with a playful smirk on his face, I sighed before we both burst out laughing.

Once our food and drinks were given to us, we quickly ate and drank without talking, and the second we were done we went to the bowling alley. Hyunjae won the first round but then I won the second round. We didn't have enough time for a third round because Hyunjae needed to get back for some more training. We walked on the way back, stopped to take some selcas and we both ended up posting them on Twitter.

Once I got back to the dorms, the girls asked me how my day was and I told them everything. I fell asleep early because I was so tired from the entire day.

Kevin's P.O.V

I watched from afar as Hyunjae grabbed Y/N's hand and her laughing as they ran out of the building together. I felt a pain in my chest as I saw them leave my sight. Do they know I saw them? I sighed before turning around to see New and Eric.

"What's up with you?" Eric asked me and I explained what I saw.

"They seemed quite close last night, they're probably just good friends from training" New suggested but something just didn't seem right.

"You're also jealous because you're not the one with her right now" Eric added and I shrugged.

"I don't know guys, I might talk to her once she gets back" I said and they nodded.

I left them after saying goodbye and went to the dorms. I went into my dorm room and found Hwall and Q dancing around together. I laughed and when they saw me they carried on dancing, but they eventually stopped.

"Kevin what's wrong? You seem down" Q asked and I explained what I saw, we all spoke about it and they reassured me. Eventually we all talked about the most random things until we saw tweets from Hyunjae and Y/N.

[Hyunjae] Thank you Y/N for spending the afternoon with me! i had a great time catching up with you :)

[Y/N] Best day hanging out with my brother Hyunjae! Good catch up but we must have that last game of bowling :) #iwillwinbowling #ijustwantedthefood

I laughed as I read Y/N's tweet but then the three of us simultaneously said "Brother?!" We all got up from sitting on my bed and made our way to the practice rooms to question Hyunjae about this.


hi guys!

thank you so much for voting and getting this story to 2000+ reads! i'm so overwhelmed by the love and support this story is getting and i hope to keep it interesting for you :)

your author <3

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