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Kevin's P.O.V

I opened my eyes in a hospital room, I was sat beside a bed and the only noise I could here were the beeps of monitors in the room. I looked to see who was in the bed and it was Y/N. I immediately grabbed her hand and looked at her almost lifeless face. A face that usually carried a beautiful smile was now pale and gloomy.

The door opened and a nurse walked into the room, she looked at me with sadness in her eyes as she helped address Y/N's head.

"I hope she will wake up soon, it has already been a long time" She said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Do you not know her condition?" She asked me and I shook my head, sitting up in my seat and now paying my full attention to her.

"Y/N is is a coma, considering she has been in this state for almost a year, doctors are sure that she will not make it. I am so sorry sir" She said, she handed me a water bottle and left with a small smile.

The second she left tears poured from my eyes, what if she dies? She's too strong for that. She doesn't deserve to die so young. I looked at her face and couldn't bear the thought of never seeing her gorgeous eyes and contagious smile again. I cried constantly for so long that I lost track of time. I blocked out all noise and couldn't talk to the various nurses coming into the room.

Suddenly the constant beeping from the heart monitor sped up, I didn't know what to do. But before I could do anything nurses and doctors rushed into the room and from what I gathered this wasn't good. They tried to fix her heart rate, and I sat their anxiously as they were doing their best.

Eventually, those beeps turned into one solid sound.

She was gone, and my heart shattered.

Most of the nurses and doctors left, except two.

"Y/N, time of death..." I heard one begin to speak, but I couldn't listen to them.

The next time I looked up, they had left. Her face was covered by a white sheet and that was the last time I'd ever see her again.

"Goodbye Y/N, I love you..." I said as I left the room and closed the door.

Jacob's P.O.V

I watched Eric and Aurora walk with the nurse, and once they were out of my sight I turned to walk towards Kevin. The closer I got, the more distressed he seemed. Once I had gotten to him I could see tears had streamed from his eyes and his peaceful slumber now looked like a terrible nightmare.

"Kevin, Kevin wake up!" I said and shook his shoulders, his eyes suddenly opened and he seemed shocked, relieved and confused.

"What's happened?" He asked me with worry written on his face.

"She's awake, we're allowed to visit her" I said and his face lit up.

"Now what just happened, you were crying in your sleep. What was the nightmare?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Nothing Jacob I swe-" He was about to finish his sentence but I was honesty from him.

"Kevin I care about you, what was it" I virtually demanded him tell me.

"She died" He said

"She what?" I asked confused.

"Y/N died, in my nightmare" He explained, looking at the floor whilst he did so. "It was a couple years later, doctors and nurses tried to do everything they could but she didn't make it. I- I don't know why this happened. I even- nevermind..." He explained, then cut himself off. I was curious of what he was about to say.

"You even what Kevin? I need to know" I said and he sighed.

"I even said I love you to her" He said even quieter than before. A momentary smile crept onto my face before he looked up to me.

"Now do you?" I asked him, putting a hand on his knee.

"I said I didn't see her that way at all to Eric, but part of me felt I said the wrong thing. I thought it was just because of how harshly I said it to him" He explained.


"But now I think I do like her"

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