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trixie had anxiety. that was the simple way to put it anyway. she was formally diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. she could not deal with social situations at all, the thought of even having to talk to someone on the phone made her come over all shaky. actual interactions with any people, especially strangers, would almost always lead to her having a panic attack.

having this disorder was obviously very hard on her, she had dropped out of all day lessons at college and would receive one to ones on a weekly basis, by one of the professors. she lived in a small apartment with her two closest friends aja and kim. other than that she had no friends and obviously having anxiety, it was difficult for her to make friends. this then also lead to her having mild depression from being lonely all day.

she was in such a bad situation that kim had convinced her to go and see a therapist. she had booked an appointment for trixie to go and see katya zamolodchikova. she specialised in cognitive behavioural therapy and was the best in the whole state of boston. trixie, of course couldn't bare the thought of having to talk to a total stranger about her problems but kim had promised to go with her and calm her down.

the thought of kim going made her feel only slightly better but of course the night before the appointment she couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat and she had at least five panic attacks.

why the fuck would this woman care about her problems anyway?

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