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katya woke up with her face embarrassingly close to trixies. she was surprised that she had woken up at 6am without her alarm going off. she had appointments to go to today so she lightly kissed trixie on the forehead and got out of bed. she hoped none of the girls would mind her using the coffee machine and made herself a coffee.

she was surprised to see aja up so early. "couldn't sleep." aja said and sat down in the kitchen. "yeah i know how you feel." katya sighed. "look aja i have a spare appointment at 1:30 so could you tell trixie to come and see me then, she's going to go on anti-depressants." katya explained. "yeah sure sis." she mumbled. "thanks." said katya and flashed a quick grin before leaving the apartment.

she looked at her phone for the first time since yesterday and she had about 50 missed calls from ginger. "fuck." she mumbled and called ginger whilst she got into her car. "what the fuck katya!" ginger shouted down the phone. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you where i was." katya said. "i've been worried sick for fucks sake." ginger said. "look trixie took a turn for the worst yesterday and i was rushed off my feet." katya explained, driving towards the office. "next time please drop me a text or something." ginger asked. "yep will do, see you later." and with that katya hung up.

the day went so slowly katya watched the clock during each appointment, counting down the moments until trixies appointment. finally 1:30 rolled around and a tired looking trixie walked into the appointment room.

"how are you feeling kukla?" katya asked as trixie sat down. "uh tired of course. also what did you just say?" trixie asked. "kukla? it means doll." katya explained. "that's cute." trixie said slightly blushing. "like you." katya quipped and grinned. "okay now let's sort out these pills for you huh trix?" katya and started writing out a prescription.

"katya i won't remember to take it everyday." trixie said. "look how about i text you every morning to remind you, would that help?" katya asked, as she signed the prescription. "that would help a lot." trixie smiled, sadly.

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