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katya wondered if trixie had put that short skirt on, on purpose. she was walking behind trixie after paying for the parking and the skirt was just long enough to pass as classy but short enough so that katya could see almost every inch of trixies legs. and, oh, the way it fit snuggly around trixies bum, katya had never felt more attracted to trixie then she did right now.

"kats, i don't know where we're going, catch up." trixie giggled. and like that katya was snapped out her trance and linked arms with trixie and led her to the restaurant.

"zamolodchikova." katya said the the guy on the entrance, he immediately seemed flustered and rushed to take the girls to a private table in a reserved part of the restaurant.

"katya you didn't have to do this." trixie whispered as they sat down. "it's a first date, of course i've got to go all out." katya grinned. trixie seemed a bit flustered by the expensive scenery so katya placed a hand on top of hers as they waited for a server to come and take their order. "kats i want the vegetarian pasta." trixie whispered. "okay." katya said and grinned slightly.

"do you want wine madamé?" the server asked as he came to their table. "i don't, what about you trix?" katya asked. "uh just a glass." trixie whispered. the server poured her a glass and trixie took it whispering a small thank you. "you did it trixie." katya said grinning. "just about." trixie replied, her heart hammering in her chest.

the rest of the dinner went smoothly, trixie couldn't talk to the waiter the second time around but katya was happy to order food for the both of them. by the time it came to pay, trixie insisted on going dutch, but katya wasn't having any of it and paid the bill herself. trixie huffed and mumbled something about paying next time, katya just grinned and they walked hand in hand back to her car.

the drive back to trixies was pleasant and katya felt content. she walked trixie up to her apartment and they stood on her doorstep in silence. "so." trixie whispered. "so." katya replied with a laugh. "thank you for a great date." trixie said and blushed. "it was my pleasure." katya said. "look trixie, this may be to soon so don't feel any obligation to say yes but do you want to be моя девушка [my girlfriend]?" katya asked.

trixie stood in a stunned silence for a few minutes, katya stood observing trixie, letting her take her time.

"yes, on one condition." trixie replied. "what is that?" katya asked. "you are my girlfriend and my girlfriend only, you aren't my therapist anymore." trixie replied. "okay, done." katya said with a grin.

she pulled trixie into a tight hug and kissed her briefly on the cheek. that really wasn't enough for trixie so she placed a shy kiss on katyas lips before saying goodnight and going into her apartment.


oh y'all wanted a twist?

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