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well not becoming emotionally involved was now not an option anymore because katya now found herself sitting at the small kitchen table with trixies two friends, as trixie slept off her panic attack.

"it's never gotten this bad before." kim said, frustrated. "usually she's okay and knows ways to calm down if she's on her own." aja added. "do you girls think that there is anything that could have triggered her attacks to become more severe?" katya asked. "well her dad messaged her the other day but that usually brings her out in a more depressive state, that's what happened last time." kim said.

"and why is her dad messaging her bad?" katya said and sipped on a cup of tea she had been given. "he was never a great father but when she came out to him he got abusive, never physically, but mentally and he calls her stuff like fag and dyke. he's one of the people who believes all gays are going to hell." aja explained.

"oh wow." katya said shocked. she couldn't believe that someone as sweet and as young as trixie could be treated so badly and by her own father. "do you think i should bring this up at the next meeting?" katya said. "i think it will help." said kim.

katya stayed a while longer and finished her cup of tea. when she left she asked aja or kim to update her on when trixie woke up and told them to alert her if the girl had any more panic attacks.

she drove back home and was greeted by a worried ginger. "why did you leave work so early?" ginger exclaimed, as katya walked in and sat down in the living room. "trixie mattel." katya said. "and that explains everything." ginger said sarcastically. "she had a really severe panic attack so i had to go and help her because no one was home." katya explained. "wow so much for not becoming emotionally involved." ginger said. "i know." said katya and sighed.

she didn't know what to do at this point. she had never got this involved in a case, ever. but there was a first time for everything, right?

anxiety; trixya Where stories live. Discover now