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aja and kim were both upset to hear that trixie would be leaving for a few months. however, they knew spending time with katya was really helping trixies mental health, so neither one of them tried to stop her, they just cried at the airport when she left.

trixie had barely been out of state, let alone out of the country, so as you can imagine she was nervous as hell when she boarded the plane. katya had her hand resting on trixies thigh, the whole time through take off and although she couldn't relax completely the presence of her girlfriend was helping.

trixie knew russia was a cold country but she didn't expect it to be snowing when she got off the plane. "it's going to ruin my hair!" trixie said and wished she hadn't of left her hat in her suitcase. katya laughed and held her carry on luggage over trixies head as they rushed inside. "it's so cold, i'm freezing." trixie said. "welcome to russia." said katya, grinning.

katyas dads house wasn't too far from the airport so the journey was short and trixie was glad it was. when they pulled up to the gates of the house, trixie gasped. "it's so big." she whispered. "i know." said katya.

when the car pulled up to the front door, katya was surprised to see her younger brother and sister waiting for her.

"hi." they both said in russian accents, a lot thicker than katyas. "guys this is trixie, my girlfriend. "she's so young." klavdi said. "be quiet." katya said and lead the shy trixie inside.

she took trixie up to the master bedroom, where the younger girl flopped down on the bed. "what did your brother say about me?" trixie asked. "that you're young." katya said. "don't worry kukla he's just jealous, he could never get someone as gorgeous as you." said katya, punctuating her sentence with a kiss.

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