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katya text when she got outside, she didn't want to wake any of the other girls. trixie practically leaped into katyas arms and peppered her face i kisses as an apology.

"let me take a look at your hand then." said katya as they sat at the kitchen table. trixies knuckes had large cuts on them and were beginning to bruise. "how the fuck did you manage this?" katya said, softly. "i was just angry." trixie mumbled. "they look really bad." said katya and watched as trixie winced as she wiped them down with an antiseptic wipe.

"that hurts katya." trixie said. "shh i know, just let me clean it." said katya and placed a soft kiss on trixies forhead.

as soon as the wounds had been wiped katya wrapped trixies hand up in bandages. it was 3am and katya led trixie to bed and tucked them both in. "how are you feeling?" katya whispered. "tired." said trixie and snuggled into katyas chest.

"so you love me huh?" katya asked and grinned into the top of trixies head. "i, uh, that doesn't freak you out?" trixie asked. "no why would it?" katya asked. "i don't know, we've only been together a few weeks, maybe it's too soon." trixie said. "look kiska if i'm being honest, i thought maybe it would be the other way round because i'm older and maybe seem more ready for a relationship." katya said. "oh, do you think i'm too young then?" trixie asked, sitting up slightly.

"no, i didn't mean that at all. you're perfect." said katya and placed a soft kiss on trixies lips before helping her settle back down. "you're perfect too." was the last thing katya heard before she fell asleep.

the next morning trixie clung to katya and didn't want her to leave the bed. "i have work." katya reasoned as she got dressed. "don't go." trixie whined. "don't tempt me." katya laughed. trixie was sad to see katya leave but katya promised to come by this evening.

"i don't need so much pda in the morning." said aja and fake gagged. "shut up." trixie blushed and sat at the table. "did you read the note on the flowers by the way?" asked kim and handed the note to trixie.

trixie saw "вы звезда-навсегда" written in katyas swirly writing. "what does it say then?" aja asked. trixie quickly pulled up google translate and typed it in. "it says you are a star forever." trixie said, a small tear forming in her eye. "you've got a keeper there." said kim grinning. "i really do." said trixie, grinning.

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