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katya had been teasing trixie for about five minutes until trixie actually spoke up and asked for more.

katya was happy to oblige and started rubbing small circles on trixies clit. trixie bit on her hand to suppress a moan. "hey don't do that i want to hear you." katya said and as if by magic trixie released a loud moan. katya grinned and started circling faster, causing even louder moans from trixie.

"do you want me inside you kukla?" katya asked. "will it hurt?" trixie managed to say. "a little, you can tell me to stop and i will." katya reassured trixie. trixie nodded and watched as katya carefully slid one finger inside her. trixie felt the burn of the stretch and felt the slight pain. katya looked up at trixie to see if she didn't like it. trixie seemed to be enjoying it so katya added another finger and started pumping them in and out of trixie slowly. trixie moaned loud, 'okay so she definitely likes it' katya thought.

trixie felt a tingling sensation building in her stomach as the slow licks of katyas tongue and fast movements of her fingers brought trixie closer to the edge. soon trixie came, practically screaming katyas name and katya didn't remove her fingers until the younger girls legs were shaking with over stimulation.

katya licked her fingers clean and planted a soft kiss on the tired girls lips. "did i hurt you?" she asked as she wrapped trixie up in the blanket. "i kinda liked the pain." trixie admitted with a blush. katya made a mental note of that. she pulled trixie closer and hugged the younger girl tight. "do you want me to do anything to you?" trixie asked. "have a nap first kiska." katya said and watched as the younger girl fell asleep.

how is everyone lmao

anxiety; trixya Where stories live. Discover now