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trixie woke up the next morning to an empty bed. she had fallen asleep on katya, how embarrassing. she got up and looked at her side, she saw a small note had been placed on it.

hi trixie,
i didn't have the heart to wake you last night, hope it's okay i left without saying goodbye! i had a really good time yesterday, maybe we could do it again and watch a film we both like, haha. i'll see you next week at your appointment :) - xoxo k.

trixie grinned at the letter and felt a slight blush appear on her cheeks. she was glad she had made katya have a good time. it felt good to have someone else to get along with and possibly in the future hang out with more. now don't get me wrong, she loves aja and kim like sisters but you can only hang out with someone so much before you crave the attention of someone else.

maybe finally, her life was starting to fall into place. maybe she could move past her anxiety and overcome it. maybe she could find a new friend in katya, maybe more than just a friend. maybe finally trixie would have the chance at love and everything she had missed out on whilst her friends were going through their high school relationships and she was stuck in her room with the burden of anxiety. the possibility of love was what excited her the most. maybe, just maybe, she could finally be happy.

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