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trixie had gotten the full interrogation from aja and kim as soon as kim had driven her and trixie home.

"so was she hot?" aja asked. "she was russian." trixie said, making herself a cup of tea. "did she have an accent?" aja asked again. "yes." trixie sighed and sat down. "she seemed nice when i met her briefly." kim added. "she was, she helped me not have a panic attack." trixie admitted as she pulled a blanket over herself.

"wait, sis, you mean to tell me a stranger helped you calm down and not have a panic attack?" said aja, shocked. "she's not a stranger, she is my therapist. she's trained to do that. that is why she gave me her number." trixie said matter-of-factly. "you got her number?" kim asked. "yes." trixie said. "my girl trixie moves fast." aja teased.

"no, no i don't! guys stop! she's my therapist, yes she's hot but no i can't date her, it's probably a breech of conduct. also yes she's gay. now can we stop with the questions. i just want to watch friends." trixie said and threw a pillow at aja. the girls laughed and settled down.

kim and aja left trixie to watch her episode and went to privately chat in the kitchen. "i give it a month." said aja. "3 months and they're dating." kim replied. they shook hands and both bet $100 on how long it would be until the two girls got together.


thought i would feed the children early, see you next thursday xo

anxiety; trixya Where stories live. Discover now