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monday: 22:00

Trixie Mattel: hi sorry, i know this is a bit late but was i worrying about if we still had an appointment tomorrow because you came round my house the other day and that was kinda like an appointment ? idk i worry about these things

katya (therapist): Hi Trixie. Don't worry I am still awake! Yes we still have an appointment for tomorrow. Don't think of me coming to your house as an appointment, that was me worrying about a patient. See you tomorrow, Katya.

Trixie Mattel: now i just look dumb haha, thanks katya

katya (therapist): You don't look stupid! You were just checking to make sure, nothing wrong with that. Please don't forget to text me if you have another panic attack okay?

Trixie Mattel: don't worry i will text you, i was starting to get one because i thought our appointment was cancelled but luckily it isn't

katya (therapist): Not to worry Trixie, I would always let you know if i cancelled, now please try and get some sleep :)

Trixie Mattel: goodnight katya

katya (therapist): Goodnight Trixie :)

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