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trixie woke up to find katya gone. "katya?" she called in the large hallway. she wrapped the red satin sheet around her naked body and ventured downstairs to find katya.

there was no sign of the older girl anywhere in the house until trixie saw the back door was slightly ajar. she stepped outside and saw her beautiful girlfriend wrapped in a silk dressing gown, talking down the phone.

she was talking in russian, so naturally it was something to do with family. trixie wrapped katya in a hug and felt a kiss on the top of her head. she waited patiently for katya finish the phone call but she didn't expect katya to throw her phone to the ground.

"what's up katya?" trixie said, still hugging katya. katya knew better than to lie to trixie, the younger girl had a funny way of knowing when katya wasn't telling the truth. "it's my grandma kiska, she's going to sue me because she didn't receive 'enough' money from the will." katya said and took trixies hand leading her back inside.

"so this means you have to go to russia again, for the court case right?" trixie asked. "i'm afraid so." said katya. they walked back upstairs in silence and slid back into the sheets.

"i could come with you." trixie spoke quietly. "you can't just leave your studies at college." katya reasoned. "kats how often do i go?" trixie said. "you have point." katya chuckled softly. "you realise the court case could be months." katya said. "it's worth it for you." trixie said and kissed katya softly.

"i love you kukla." katya said. "i love you more." trixie grinned.

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