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the trial was finally coming to an end and with no evidence of katya tampering with the will, she had pretty much won her case.

"you don't think it will break your family up?" trixie asked one morning as they lay in bed together. "no i don't think so, my and my siblings are pretty close." katya said. "are we close enough to come in your room?" klavdi asked as her burst into katyas bedroom.

katya jumped and pulled the covers up over her and trixie. they were both stark naked under there.

"kristina, klavdi, what the fuck." katya exclaimed. she looked over at trixie who was blushing and trying to hide as much as possible. "we're hiding from the maid she's angry at us for being so messy." kristina said with a giggle. "you two act like children, is there any other reason you're interrupting us?" katya asked pointing at trixie. "yeah the phone rang and you need to go to court early today." klavdi said.

"how early?" katya asked, returning to speaking english. "8:45." her brother said. "fuck i need to get ready, now you two leave." katya said and her siblings left the room.

"i feel very uncomfortable right now." trixie said, her cheeks still bright red. "you don't they saw anything?" trixie asked. katya knew trixie was self conscious of her body and quickly pulled her girlfriend into a hug. "no baby and even if they did, it would not matter, your body is beautiful and you shouldn't feel ashamed." she said and pressed a kiss to trixies head.

she headed to the on suite to go and get ready. "nice ass." trixie giggled. "shut up you." katya said and threw her slipper at trixie.

back on my bullshit

ps how much smut is too much

anxiety; trixya Where stories live. Discover now