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after that night trixie didn't see katya for 5 days and it killed her. of course, every morning she received a message from katya telling her to take her pills but other than that, katya seemed busy.

trixie was worried katya was going off her. she thought because other than few kisses they hadn't really done anything that maybe katya didn't want to see her because of that.

"aja, can i get some advice?" trixie asked once the girl had gotten home from college. "yeah what's up sis?" aja asked and sat with trixie at the kitchen table. "i'm scared katya doesn't like me anymore." trixie admitted. "why's that?" aja asked, a concerned look coming over her face.

"well i haven't seen her in five days and think because we haven't gone any further than just kiss maybe she doesn't want to be with me." trixie said.

"you're joking right?" aja asked.


"do you not see the way that, that woman looks at you? she's head over heels trix!" aja exclaimed. "look why don't you talk to her, text her or something and ask to see her."

"okay thank you." trixie said, feeling slightly better. trixie quickly text katya and asked if she wanted to hang out. katya swiftly replied and told trixie to come to hers 'she was home alone ;)'

now trixie was nervous. firstly, she had never been to katyas house before and she had a feeling it would be big and expensive looking. secondly, she knew the winking face was probably only a joke but what if it wasn't? what if katya was implying that she was home alone and that meant they had the freedom to go further than just kissing.

trixie was a virgin! she wasn't sure if she was ready to lose her virginity yet. she did however know that if there was anyone that she could lose it with, it would be katya. she did sometimes wonder what it would be like to have sex, but her thoughts didn't really go anywhere.

if katya did want to have sex, trixie had no idea what she was doing. she had never watched porn, she had never even masturbated. she wasn't ashamed of that, she just didn't see the need or want in doing it.

she sighed, she was probably overthinking it and katya was just joking. in any case she needed to hurry up and get ready, she had been trapped in her thoughts for so long she only had half an hour until she told katya she would get there.

guys i don't really fw brian x brian fics but i want other people's opinions,,, please comment and tell me why do/don't like them :)))

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