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Maya's pov

I watched her as she walked away, staring at her from the back checking her out but I snapped out of it. As the party went on I couldn't stop thinking about her .

I walk out to the back yard, I noticed her & walk over to her.

"Hey stranger that bumped into me" I look up at the dark gorgeous sky & then at her. I just couldn't stop staring at her. How beautiful and gorgeous she looks.

"Hey & I'm so so sorry about that I didn't mean to"

"It's all good" I give a soft smile as I look up "what are you doing out here alone ?"

Adri's pov

I didn't know how or what to respond, i don't know why I'm like this right now.

"Nothing really , just I guess thinking ? Uh what are you doing here?"

I say in a questioning tone not knowing what I'm actually even doing here.

"Nothing, I just thought it was a nice timing to come out" I look up at her and keep staring at her until she looked down at me & I turned around quickly.

"Really ? Well that's" I gulp as I look up "good" she nods & keeps looking at me

"What's your name ?" She asked as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Adriana, how about you ?" I smile softly.

"Maya, it's nice too meet you Adriana"  I smile like a dummy "no the pleasure is mine."


Throughout the party me & maya were together, I invited her to dance. "Come dance with me maya" I tug on her hand as I whine like a little kid.

I finally got her to dance, I smile as I walk in front of her holding her hand as I guide her through the crowd of people. Once we get where everyone else is dancing, I start to dance but I notice she doesn't and she's just watching me.

"Come on, dance ? Pleaseeee" I say childish as I stand in front of her and start to dance on her. I put on of my legs between both of hers as I dance on her.

I noticed she bit her lip so I back up and dance alone . "Come on dance" I keep begging as I dance. She groans and starts to dance and I watch her as I dance myself.

I noticed as we both danced together she hold me close to her as we danced. I'm in front of her and I started to shake my ass on her as I laugh softly , I look up at her & she puts her hands on my hips guiding my ass up & down as I shake it on her .

Maya pov

Fuck, she's such a tease. I guided her ass on me as we danced and I bit my lip as we danced.

"Aye ima go get a drink want something?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair.
"Yeah please"

I walk away and go to the kitchen and grab us a drink. Damn I can't get her off my mind.

I just want to pin her against the wall tease her by kissing her neck sucking and biting her neck. Damn, I know I just barley met her but something about her is just woah.

I walk back over to her. "Here" I handed her, her drink. I take a sip of mine as we walk over to the counter.

Adri's pov

I sit on the stool in front of her. "Thank you for dancing with me after I begged you for the millionth time" I teased her and smile.

She laughs before she answered. "Yeah Yeah" she sits down. "Did you come with someone?"

"Well i drove myself here but I came cuz of my bestfriend. So I don't know if that counts if I came with someone." I laugh softly.

"You came solo then" she smiles and looks at her phone. "It's getting late, ima go" she finishes her drink and stands up. "It was nice meeting you"

I stand up also. "Before you leave can I get your number?" I lick my lips softly and smile.

"Yeah here gimme your phone" I hand it to her.

"Okayyy and done you have it, text me later on"
I smile and she walks away.

I walk over to angie. "Aye amiga it's getting late and I'm getting tired, ima go" I hug her. "Be careful and don't leave late" I walk away.


Okay this is the second and I tried to do it a lil better. Comment and like ! 🙂 help me out by leaving a comment or telling me how it is or sum.

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