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Adri's pov

I walkout the bathroom letting out a huff.

I walk over to my drawer and put on my under clothes. I then just take off my robe and walk around the room in my under clothes.

I walk over to the speaker that maya has on a desk in the room.  I turn it on and put on "La Mia".

"No se cual me gusta de las dos" I walk over to the other desk across the room to grab a journal. I grab a pen and the journal and head back to the desk before.

I sit down on the chair and open the journal up to write.


I saw Damien after awhile. He's different. I really don't like his new change. I mean he's change in his physical but like his attitude is different. I don't like him or love him anymore but his words hurt. Telling me not everyone wants love some don't want love at all. Psh I know that.

Maya left early today. I really missed her. I woke up to not see her in bed. I then asked Ricardo and he said she was at work. My birthday is coming up tho ! Ima be 21! I still can't enter all Clubs tho, some are like 22/23 but ehhh i can go to most.

Oh shit! I remember this one guy, his name was Harley. I used to like him back in like 7th and 8th.

I place the pen down and message my hand for a second. I grab my phone to change the song. "Without me"

"Tell me how it feels? Sitting up there ? Feeling so high but your far away to hold me" I sang out.

I lean against the chair and take deep breaths. Maya wont hurt me anymore right? She means what she says right?

I thought to myself. "I can't be in the place in how I was with Harley" I softly said.

"I can't be getting played or being told all this corny shit without them meaning it" I pick the pencil up and start to write again.

Harley. Oh man. I went back to him twice. I thought he was different. Everyone told me to not go for him but I thought he was different. Now he's a year older then me. I met him in 7th when we first started 'talking'. We stopped talking and  then started to talk more in 8th; on my birthday.

I put the pencil down and clean my eyes. Damn this still hits me hard.

Why? Well I really did think he actually liked me. I would get so happy at the time when a guy would like me. I was different, I wasn't skinny, I was chubby. For other people I was 'Fat' to them.

A lot of boys wouldn't like me and he'd say the sweetest things to make my heart melt. I just really don't understand why he did that.

He asked if I was down for him. I didn't know how to answer I was shy and scared but I answered yes I'm down for you.

The day later... "oh god" I try to hold in my tears.

The door swings open.

I quickly close the journal. I look over my shoulder. Too find maya with a big smile. I stand up and smile.

"Why are your eyes watery hermosa?" She lifted my head up looking at me and placing a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.

"I yawned" I wipe my eyes.

"Okay Hermosa, que estabas haciendo?" She walked away towards the bed taking off her shoes.

"Nothing just sitting,writing" I softly smile. I put the journal away and walk over to bed. "Is everything good at work?" I cuddle with her.

"Yeah everything's great Hermosa" She placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Why couldn't I go with you?" I fake pout.

"I wanted you to sleep Hermosa, I'll take you another day, okay?"

"Yeah" I lean over and grab my phone and start going through my feed on instagram.

"Hermosa what were you writing about?" I look up from my phone.

"Ummmm nothing" I softly laugh about it. "Uh don't worry about it?" I awkwardly keep laughing.

"Now i wanna know more Hermosa" She laughed.

I then explain to her about the guys in my past. How it's hard to forget about it. In reality if I had the chance I'd just asked Harley why he'd play me like that.

He hurt me the most. Damien was hurtful also but it didn't hurt that much like Harley. Maybe I'm over exaggerating. I don't know. I just know that if me and maya ever end things for good that will be the death of me.


*Fast forward to adri's bday in the morning*

"Let me take you shopping today Hermosa" Mayas lips roamed around my face placing kisses everywhere.

"Pa tu cumpleaños, porfa" She begged.

"Okay okay" I smile. We then drive to the mall.

We enter some stores looking through clothes. At this one store I found this one cute dress nah not one cute dress I mean a billion of cute dresses.

"Fuck i want all of these" I pout as i look for my size in each of them.

"Get them Hermosa" Maya kissed my cheek.  I smile and grab them and walk into the dressing room and try some on.

"Mostly likely I'd wear this if I go out tonight for my birthday" I smile as I model in it

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"Mostly likely I'd wear this if I go out tonight for my birthday" I smile as I model in it.

"Fuck babe you lookin' like a whole meal" Maya groaned as she squeezed my ass and laughed.

"So your like totally taking that so you can model in it for me back at home" Her voice flowed softly through my ears.

I smile and nod. I then try on another dress.

"I'm taking them all you know

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"I'm taking them all you know. There's" I count the dresses. "Eleven. Eleven dresses, I mean if I can take them?" I turn around and look at her. I doggy eyes her.

"You can have anything in the world, Hermosa" Her lips smashed against mine, softly yet filled with lust.


Okay sorry i haven't updated ! I been busy! Oh and guess what guys, I broke up with my girlfriend. It's not the same. Turns out long distant relationship aren't easy. But here's a update for y'all ! Like and comment ! Keep reading !

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