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Adri's pov

"Bebe what do you want to do today?" We walked out to Maya's car and got in.

"Well I was wondering if you can take me home? I want to show you someone" I smile. She nods and drives away.

I looked out the window as she drove. Few minutes later we arrived. I got out and headed to my door. I slowly unlocked the door. Behind the door you can hear scratches.

"Dalt shhhh" I softly say. I open the door quickly and enter and grab him. He's too hyper. He's 25/8 hyper.  But I still love him like that.

"Can I enter?" Oh yeah I forgot about her. Oops.

"Yeah sorry bebe"

She enters and closed the door behind her.

I'm on my knees holding dalton. He starts barking at her. "Aye dalton ya cálmate" I start petting him to calm him down.

He just looks at her. She gently brings her hand down to him so he can smell her. Dalt starts liking her hand like a maniac, like if nothing ever happened.

I let him go and watch maya pet them.

They cute together. "I ship you two together" I laugh.

"Uh no sorry dalton I'm taken" she pushes him away playfully but he comes back again and again.

I laugh and throw him a tow far away and he runs.

"He's pretty" she smiles. "But not as pretty as you"

I smile and stand up.

"I wanted to show you him. That's him" I smile at her.

"Why did you want to show me him Hermosa?" She looked at me.

"Well he's my love and I wanted to Introduce you two" i smile and kiss her cheek.

She nods and followed me upstairs to my room. "You live alone?" We made our way to my room passing the other rooms.

"Yupppp, just with Dalt"

I laid in bed and looked at her.  She roamed around my room and jumped in bed next to me and cuddled with me. I smile and look at her.

She grabs my boob and jiggles it. "What's that for?" I laughed as she kept doing it.

"These mine right?" She bit her lip when she asked.

I nod. She started to pull my shirt up. I let her and just watched. She took off my shirt and left me in my bra. She kept looking at me. Her beautiful light brown eyes with so much lust which turned into a darker shade.

She got on top of me and kissed her way down to my chest. I ran my hands down her body shaped. Placed my hands on her beautiful curves.

She started to suck on the open part of my boob.

"Mmm" i bit my lip as I moaned softly. She bit my skin and kept sucking. Moans escaping my mouth, she sucked on various parts of my skin.

She pulled away from and sat up on me. "You don't mind those there right Hermosa?" She gazed her hand over the hickeys on my boobs.

I nod and watched her. She's so gorgeous. I'm so glad I have her.

She slowly start to press her self against me rubbing herself on me. I bit my lip to not moan as I arch my head back.

"Let me do it to you Hermosa, I know you want it" she pressed harder, rubbing against me with herself.

She brought her hands to the buttons of my jeans and unbuttoned them. She tugged them down not passing down my waist.

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