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Mays pov

I turn to my side still half asleep to open my eyes a little to pull adri towards me. I cuddle with her as I try to fall asleep with her again.

I wrapped my arm around her waist placing my hand on her waist. My hand roamed up and grabbed her boob and squeezed it. By now this so call sleepiness left. I felt her move around and now her head is on my upper chest. I kept on cuddling her and place my hand on her ass. Rubbing my hand up and down her ass.

She groans. "Let me sleep maya" Her groggy voice said. I simply just let out a laughter.

"Please bebe" She softly said as she drifted away to sleep. I remove my hand from her and gently move away to let her sleep in peace.

"Alright," I grab some shorts from my cabinet next to the bed and a shirt. I tie my hair up in a bun and walk over towards the bathroom. I shut the door close, take off my clothes and open the glass door to enter the shower.

I turn on the water and make sure it's on a good temperature. I start to shower and ran my hand down my arm.

All these thoughts came through my head. Is she still attached to Damien? Does she still like him? Does she love him?

I kept on showering as I try to erase those thoughts in my mind.

"If i wouldn't have done what i did we would've been by like 8 months now" I softly say to myself. I ran my hands down my face as I stand in front of the shower head letting the water hit me.

I deadass lost half of the trust from the girl I want. I'm trying to get it all back. I just don't want any problems to happen between us. I don't want that Damien guy to bring anything between us.

I turn off the water, walkout the shower and put on my robe. I tie it up and walk I over to the sink.

I start to wash my teeth as I thought of something. Adri's birthday is coming this upcoming month. Well we are almost ending this month so much likely this month.

I want to throw her a surprise party. I remember her telling me that she and her brother have the same birthday. Their just a one year difference, she's older.

I'd throw the party like here. . For her and her brother. I know Adrian for awhile, before I met adri. Either way there's a problem.

"I never met her family before." I rinse my mouth with water as I place my toothbrush down. She's met my mom, my little sister but I never gotten to meet her mother.

I walkout the bathroom to notice adri peacefully sleeping on the bed. I quietly walk over to the walk-in closet and grab some sweats and a sweatshirt. I change into that and hang up my robe.

"Bebe?" I hear adri's groggy voice yell. I have the door close of the closet so maybe she thinks I'm not here.

Through the other side of the door I could hear footsteps. "Maya?" Her cute sleepy voice said.

I walkout the closet. "Yes mi amor mío?" I walk towards her and hug her.

Her arms wrap around me and laid her head on my chest. "Come back to bed bebe" She softly said. I pick her up and make my way to bed. I lay her down and I start to back away.

Her hand grabbed my arm. "Stay... please..." She softly said. I nod and walk over to the other side of bed and lay down, cuddling her. She turns around to face me. "Thank you" She kissed my nose.

"For what babe? What ever you want I'll give you it" I caressed her cheek gently. "Now go to sleep Hermosa porque it's too early for you"

"Why don't you sleep?" She closed her eyes and placed her head right under my chin.

"I'm guna go to work Hermosa, but I'll stay with you for a few minutes" I kiss the top of her head.

"Like that? With sweats and a sweatshirt?" She softly giggled.

"Yes babe, just a check in" I laugh at myself.

I hate that I have to lie to her. I just don't see the point to lie to someone you love.

"Te amo Hermosa" I say as she drifted off to sleep. I stay there for a few minutes not ruining the moment. When she falls asleep fully I gently let go and move away.

I grab my phone and walkout the room. I walk downstairs to notice Ricardo in the kitchen with Dalton. Oh yeah adri brings dalton here now.

"Good morning Maya" I heard Ricardo say. I look over to see him feeding dalton. "Good morning Ricardo" I smile.

"Im going out, if adri asks where I am tell her I'm at work" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Somewhere special?" He stands up and goes to wash his hands.

"I'm going to go the house of Adrian, adri's brother." I notify him. I don't want him to think anything wrong.

"May I ask why?" He furs his eyebrows at me.

"I'm going to go talk to Brianna" His eyes opened quickly.

"Her?! Why?"

"Because I want to throw a surprise birthday party for adri and her brother. And Brianna is the girlfriend of Adrian. So I need to talk to her." He simply nodded.

I walkout towards the garage. I get in one of the cars and drive away. As I drive I take my phone out and call Briana putting it on speaker.


"Hello?" Her voice echoed through the phone.

"Hey Bri, are you available right now? I wanted to talk to you about something" I drive towards a Starbucks.

"Yeah I am. Do you want to come over or where do we meet?" Through the call you could hear her hurrying up.

"Ill go over to your house. I'm at Starbucks do you want something?" I get off my car, lock it and walk inside.

"No thanks" Her voice said kindly.

"Okay that's a coffee. See you in a little" I hang up.

"Well I was just thinking of getting him a cake here at my house but throwing the surprise party would be totally better" She took a sip of her coffee.

"Then we both agree on the party. But will do it at my place" I confirm her.

"Sure." She nodded.

We both then start to talk about who would do this and that. We started to talk about decorations, invitations. Most likely we talked about the cake.

Next thing I know I get a phone call.

I look down to see who it is


I smile and pick the phone up. "I'll be right back" I told bri. I walkout to her porch in the backyard.

"Hola Hermosa" My voice echo through the call.

"Hola bebe. Where are you?" Her sleepy voice asked.

"Im at work why?" I lied. I can't say where I am.

"I thought you'd be home by now bebe" Her tired voice replied. Man I really wanna be with her in bed right now.

"I'm on my way Hermosa" I hang up and walk back inside.

"Will stay in contact, and when your available let me now so we can start getting ready" I then walkout and get in my car.


Here's an update ! Also thanks for reading ! 7k dudes !!!!!! Lowkey dude sorry that I'm not updating it's cuz lately been busy.

Also I just have so much on my mind not knowing what to do In my relationship. (My gf lives in Pennsylvania & I in LA, {long distant relationship} )  I usually write more but now since idk what to do I'm not in the mood. So this was a not so good chapter sorry !

Keep reading ! Like & comment !! 

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