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Adri's pov

It's been 3 weeks since I met mayas mom and her little sister. I haven't seen maya either lately, we hanged out like one or twice but other than that we just texted,called, or FaceTimed.

Today I decided to go to the mall, you know just to see what there is to but or to just look around. I walk out the house and drive to the mall.

Once I got to the mall I parked at the parking lot and turned off the car. I sigh and just tilt my head back.

Good morning Hermosa

My phone lits up with her message. I just smile and close my eyes again for a quick second.

I wanted to ask you something.

I look down at my phone and grab it.

Good morning bebe, and what's your question?

Well before I ask you the question I wanted you to come to my house so I can ask you it In person Hermosa.

Well I'll go in an hour or two because I came to the mall bebe.

I lick my phone and get out the car and head inside the mall. I walk through the mall and enter stores and buy clothes.

I bought some high waisted jeans and some sweatshirts. Some accessories also. You know you never know if I'll need them in the future.

So I'll drive back to my place and drop this off and head to her place or I just go to her place straight away ? Fuck.

Fuck it, I'll just drive there.


I get out of the car and walk inside from the back of the house. Since I parked in the back where the garages are at. I walk inside and close the door behind me. As I turn around I bump into someone.

Wassup with me bumping into people at her house.

"I'm so sorry Adriana" I look up to see Ricardo. His fluffy hair all over.

"It's okay Ricardo" I smile.

"Let me do something" I stand on my tippy toes and ran my hand through his hair and fixed it to the side.

"Now that's better" I smile. "Oh also have you seen maya?"

"Nope But I think she's in her office" Office ? She has a office in her house? What does she have a gym here also?

"Office? Well Ricardo can you please show me the way, I don't know where it's at" I said kindly.

"My pleasure Adriana" He walked in front of me as we walked to the third floor and down the hall to her office. He knocked on the door.

"Ma'am , Miss. Adriana is here" He said through the door.

"Let her in" she replied. He opened the door for me. "Thank you" I mouthed and walked in.

"Hi bebe" I smile as I walk towards her. She closed her laptop and turned to the side and patted her laps signaling me to sit on top of her.

I wrap my arms around her neck as I kiss her cheek.

"Te a extrañado bebe" i place my head on her shoulder.

"Y yo a ti Hermosa" She placed her head on top of me.

Ain't gone lie, the way we are right now is so comfortable. I don't want to it to be ruin.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, I wanted to ask you a very important question Hermosa" She sat up straight.

"Yes?" I let go of her and look at her.

"Sit on the chair in front of the desk so I can explain it to you" I nodded and walked over and sat down.

Okay I'm getting scared. Explain ? I thought it was a simple question. Usually she just asks me and I just answer.

"So every year theirs this ball, the main people of big companies are invited. Each person that goes has to go with an escort. I was wondering if you'd like to be my escort to the ball adriana ?"

She looked at me as she said every word. I nod and smile. "Maya I'd love to go with you to the ball"

"Good then, now we just have to get you a ball gown"

"I um have one already at h-home" I stutter and say so low as I look down.

"You what Adriana?"

"I have a ball gown at home.." I kept looking down.

"Well then, thats okay, if you'd want to wear it then you can or I can buy you one" She insisted.

"And when we talk Hermosa never look down please, it makes me feel like if I hurt you or I did something wrong to make you look down, or scared you" She leaned over and hooked up thumb under my chin.

"Yeah, claro babe" i look at her. "And if you don't mind I'd like to wear my own ball gown. I bought it a couple of years back but I never worn it"

"Yeah sure hermosa y porque didn't you use it ?" She looked at me.

She's so different when she's so like strict. Seeing her in her work clothes, in a formal clothes is just a turn on. No lie I like this side of her.

"At the moment when I bought it I was with this guy, he worked in this big company which they also had a ball. Me and him had problems like two weeks before the ball, we broke up and I just waisted money on it. So I'm taking the opportunity to wear it with you maya"

I tell her as I look around. Damn I can't look at her eye to eye it's like a habit of mine that i can't.

"Okay then and like I told you look at me when we're speaking if not you're going to regret it"

I quickly look up. Excuse me ? Regret it? This sound weird but it's a turn on. Acting nonchalant and her firm voice. Fuck.

"Regret it?" I furred my eyebrows.

"Yes you'll going to regret it" she stood up and walked in front of me and squatted down. She ran her hand over my womenhood.

"S-Stop t-that" i stutter out softly.

"Me to stop? And why should I do that? You looked away when I told you to not when we speak"

"I'm s-sorry" She unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down.

"Sit closer to the edge of the seat" she commanded and I followed. She dragged down my lingerie.

"M-Maya please don't"

She kept rubbing my clit as she opened my legs wider.

"Adriana shhh" she started to rub my clit more and more.

"Babygirl you're so damn wet" She chuckled.

She slowly ran her finger inside me. Which made me escape a moan. She took her finger out and came closer and sucked on me quickly and pulled away.

"You just get a taste" She stood up and walked back to her desk.

I quickly pull my pants on. "A taste?" I look confused.

"Yes, a taste"

I stand up and walk to her. I lean down and kiss her cheek and kiss her neck once.

"Ima head home" I whisper and walkout.


Okay this chapter wasn't surprising but I promise you the next while. Twists and turns will happen and something horrible will happen !

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