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"Maya we c-cant" I said breathless as I wrapped my arm around her neck. She pinned me against the wall & sucked on my neck, her warmth against mine.

"Shhhh" she twirled her tongue as she kissed my neck making her way to the other side. She tugged on my shirt signaling me to take off my shirt.

I quickly responded and pull it off reveling my breasts in my bra. She came up to me and kissed me softly but gently. "I want you"

She picks me up and lays me on the bed. "Maya I'm I'm not r-ready" I said a little embarrassed and look away as she looks at me and let's out a small soft sigh.

"I know and we don't have to do it..." she sits me up and hooks her thumb under my chin.

"but I want to make you feel good babygirl..." her lips were right close to mine so every time she spoke they would touch.

Without thinking about it I responded. "Okay"

"Lay down" she told me to do as she stood between me. She leaned over me and kissed me as she slowly unbuttoned my jeans, one by one.

She then sat up and pulled my jeans down my legs. Her fingers tugged on the top edge of my underwear.

Her other fingers rub my soak wet entrance. Both of her hands go to the top middle edge of my underwear and she rips it in half.

She slowly started to.....

Adri's pov

I sit up in bed as I take deep breaths.
"W-what was that about?" I told myself as I keep breathing hard. "Did I just dream of maya?" I stand up and quickly go to the bathroom and splash water on my face.

"I don't like girls, what made my mind dream about her?" I dry my face and walk back to my bed and sit on the edge.

I lean over to grab my phone and decided to check my messages. 'Text me later on'  the voice of her ran through my head.

I decided to text her just to see how she is.
(Maya- M Adri- A)
A- "hey it's adri :)"

I put my phone down and go take a shower. "It's pretty early, why did I text her ? She must be asleep, oh no" I told myself as I took a shower.

I walkout the shower and go change. I put on a jersey and some basketball shorts. I walk over to put on music and I receive a new message.

*new message*
M- "I thought you never send a message"

I laugh and roll my eyes.

A- "well then I should've givin you my number instead"

M- "Yeah you should've,  so how are you from yesterday? You don't got a hangover?"

A- "mmm do I or do I not? Well clearly duh,"
A- "my head hurts like a bitch and I feel hella lazy"

M- "damn well maybe your head won't hurt if you come with me to the ice cream parlor or to go get a drink?"

Did she really just? Oh my.

A- "okay then sounds good"
A- "around what time ?"

M- "it's up to you"

A- "how about you come pick me up and will go?"

I like boys and not girls so I don't know why I just got that dream of her. Maybe I want something new. Maybe angie was right ? Maybe I met someone new?

M- "sure I'll be over in a few"

I sent her the address and went over to put my towels away and put on shoes.


"You know, I'm actually pretty glad you said yes to come with me to the ice cream parlor" she licked the somewhat ice cream she had left on her cone.

"But I would've preferred you saying yes to getting a drink" she chuckles and shakes her head a little.

I roll my eyes playfully and opened my mouth to say something but I didn't and just ate my cone.

"Aye I never asked" she threw away her cone trash since she finished. "How old are you?"

She asked as she looked at my lips and then at me. "I'm 20"

Her eyes got wide in a surprised face.

"Why? How old are you ?" My tone sounded curious but yet went high.

"I'm 23" she smiled.

"Lucky I wished I was 22" I huffed and placed my head on the palm of my hand.

She laughed at my comment. "What's so funny?" I raised my eyebrows. "You just look so adorable" she licked her lips softly and smiled.

She brought a strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed softly and looked down. What's that feeling in my stomach? What is that ? Oh lawd. It's not a bad feeling but it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach.

Mayas pov

"Aye lets go to the pier?" I suggested hoping she would agree. We walked out the parlor as we headed to my car. I walked over and opened her door for her.

"I'd love too and thank you" I smile and close her door. I walk over to my side and get in.


Okay this is a short chapter but it was just to add a chapter. I'll try and add more or upload more. Like and comment about what y'all think ! :))

- A

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