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Adri's pov

"What do you want Damien?" I furiously looked at him.

He's wasting my time. We ended because of what he did. I don't want to spend any other second with him.

"Your dating a girl now?" He asked all curious.

"Yes I am. And I'd like to leave you here so bye" I start to walk away but his hand grabbed a firm grip on my wrist, hurting me.

"Ouch. Your hurting me Damien" I turn around and look at him, getting closer so his pull wouldn't hurt that much. "Please let me go"

"I asked you a question Adriana and I'd like you to answer" He said.

"Y-Yes." I softly said.

"Since when?"

"Since 7 months ago" I look down.

"You said that you'd find someone better then me. I didn't assume a girl."

"Well guess what. I'm with a girl and i love her. Okay? So let me go!" I raised my voice at him snatching my hand away from him.

"Tell me Why you're with her. For her luxurious life? Her money?"

"I love her for her. Not for her money. I don't care about her money, her luxurious life; I care about her. But wait how do you know she's rich?" I look him dead in the eye.

I changed my thought quickly.

"Go run off with that lil slut Abigail. You wanted her so bad so go. You leave me and my girlfriend alone." I walked away from him.

Before I even took another step, I'm being pushed against a corner.

"You little whore. You're jealous that I chose Abigail over you?" He scoffs.

How come we won't answer about him knowing mayas rich? Maybe he just guessed cuz of how many shopping bags we had ?

"I'm not jealous."

"Yes you are because if you weren't you wouldn't have brought it up" He pinned me harder against the wall.

I gulp before I could say any another word but he spoke again.

"Tell your girlfriend that I say not everyone wants love only, some don't want love at all." With that he left me stranded there.

My eyes got watery. Does he really think that? I love maya for her, not her money. I never even knew she was wealthy in the first place. And if I did it wouldn't change anything towards my love for her.

I wiped my eyes but before I took another step maya came up to me.

"Why so long Hermosa?" I looked down to notice she has bought what she wanted and the rest of our clothes from other stores.

"He wouldn't let me go..." I softly say.

"He wouldn't what?" She came closer.

"Wouldn't let me go. He pinned me against the wall and started to tell me shit" I look up at her.

"What did he tell you?" Her voice started to sound worried but yes rough.

"He told me to tell you that not everyone wants love, some don't want love at all" my eyes start to get watery.

"Aye aye don't cry babe," she dropped the bags and hugged me. "Why did he say that?"

"He thinks I'm with you just for you wealthiness" A tear drops down on her shirt.

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