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Maya's pov

I walked inside my room and heard movement in the bathroom and assumed it was adri. I walked near the door and heard her talking. Saying she needs to apologize and stuff like that.

I sighed out. "You don't have to apologize hermosa" I said through the door since it's closed.

I felt the door open , I looked down at the floor. "You don't need to apologize for anything, You didn't do anything"

"Yes I do, we just barely started dating and and I'm already assuming stuff and that's how we're going to get problems" she let out. I walked in the bathroom and leaned myself against the sink.

I sighed. "Aye it's okay to assume things, and it's okay that you got pissed" I singled her to come over. She walked in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Like I said as long as we're together I'm going to be fiel to you" I look at her. "And our relationship won't be just a straight road to paradise, it'll have bumps and flat tires but will get through it together" I smile at her.

She kissed me passionately but rough. I didn't even notice she was going to kiss me. I kissed back. I made it a short kiss and pulled away.

"You owe me" she brushed her lips against mine.

I raise my eyebrows in confusion. What does this girl mea- ohhhh. "So tell me, what do I owe you?" I brought my hands down to her ass.

"You never finished what you started in the dressing room" she bit and pulled on my bottom lip.

I chuckled and smirked. "Oh really? And I don't recall doing anything Hermosa"

I pecked her nose. I walked away and went to lay in bed.

Adri's pov

I look over at her. "Can I say something?"

"Hm? Wassup?" She turned over and looked at me.

"Did you tell your staff about me?" I felt my cheeks get red. Oh man.

"Because everyone greeted me" I looked confused and I am confused.

"Oh yeah" she laughed. "I might of talked to them about you" she smiled and caressed my cheek.

I smile and close my eyes. "I'm sorry that we didn't go to the club anymore and that I made you waist money on me"

"It's not a problem for me to waist money on you, in matter of fact I would waist all of my money on you. And it's alright we didn't go anymore, at least I'm spending time with my babygirl"

She pulled me over and laid me on top of her. She pulled the covers over us and kissed my forehead.

Having her makes my heart flutter, gives me butterflies. She makes me happy. She gives me this feeling I never felt.

"Goodnight hermosa"

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

*weeks later*


I woke up by a phone calling. Not knowing if it was my phone or Maya's I picked up and answered.

"Hello?" My voice sounded all scratchy and rough.

"Baby! Finally you answer! Did that little slut of your leave? Because I'm wanting you so so bad"

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