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Mayas pov

I take the bags and put them in the backseat. Adri is about to get on so at that moment I take out my phone and text a group chat I had with Angie and Bri.

Maya- Aye im omw to my house. Ima stop buy at adri's house first so she can change. Is everything ready?

Bri- yeah everything is ready, we just need to pick up the cake.

Angie- I'm about to pick up Adrian, will be there like in 15-30 mins.

Within that I put my phone away and get in the drivers seat. "Ready amor mío?" I turn to look at her.  I hope everything turns out good. I hope she's happy tonight. I then pull away and drive off.

We get to her house 15 minutes later. "Why are we here?" She looked at me confused. I just shake my head softly. "Too drop off your dresses"

I get off the truck and grab the bags and then open her door for her. I lead us towards her door and we enter. I go upstairs to her room and place her bags down. I then run towards her bed jumping in it laying down.

"Home sweat home" I put my hands under my head pushing me up.  "Also Hermosa, change into one of the dresses" I look at her from across the room.

"Why?" Curiosity ran from her lips.

"Porque te voy a sacar pa un lado" I let her know.

She nodded and got happy. I catch air and close my eyes for a second.

What felt like hours I wake up.

"Bebe" I wake up to see adri shaking me.

"Yes Hermosa?" I wipe my eyes. Damn that nap felt so good.

"I'm ready" She backed up and modeled for me. I smile. Wait. What time is it? I check my phone quickly to see we're right on time. I sigh in relief.

"You look gorgeous, Hermosa" I stand up and kiss her.

Adri's pov

"Okay so where are we going?" I look at her.
"It's a secret and I have to put this blindfold on you" Maya told me as she opened the trucks door for me. I nod and sit down.

I leaned up so she can tie the bandanna around my eyes. "Too right or alright?"

"It's okay bebe" I take my phone out my pocket and place it between my thighs. I then hear maya getting on and driving away.

Minutes later I hear the truck stop. I assume we got here already. "I'll be back in less then a minute" I hear maya tell me before she gets off.

I hear some people talking outside. I just stay quiet and lean against the chair. My door gets open, "Be careful getting off Hermosa I'll help you" Maya grabbed my hand and told me to watch out with the steps. The car door closed and maya directed me walking.

I then felt someone on the other side of mine. I hear a door get open, and we walked through and that same person next to me. I feel maya hands leave me and that person next to me.

Few second later I hear maya say aloud, "Both of you take off your blindfolds" I really don't know whose beside me but i take it off. Right away i look up to see all my family and friends there yelling 'Happy birthday Adriana & Adrian'

I look towards my side and hug my brother tightly, "I missed you dude" I pull away to see flashlights going off.  He kissed my cheek, "Happy Birthday Dana"

Awww I missed him calling me Dana. It's a nickname he gave me since lil kids. We pose to take some pictures as we then head to our mom. Oh shit, my mom. Wait mayas here, fuck.

I hug my mom and we both talk to her. I look around as we talk and notice we're at mayas house. My brother left me and my mom alone talking.

"Porque nunca me has platicado de maya?" She looked at me.  I quickly look at her not knowing to what respond.

I gather my words and slowly respond. "What are you talking about?"

"Come on, don't act like you don't know, why haven't you said anything about maya?"

"I don't know mama, I first wanted you to meet her and then tell you" I sigh.

"Well little too late, Adrian told me about this maya girl, he didn't say that you guys were dating but said you spent a lot of time, I then got clues and you then would talk about her to me also" She smile at me.

"Either way Adriana your my daughter, I love you for you, being with maya won't change anything" She kissed my forehead. I hug her tightly, I thought she wouldn't want me anymore but turns out I was wrong.

"Now let me meet this wonderful maya" I nod and pulled away. We walk through the people heading towards the kitchen. I see maya but as I walk there I see her walking out the door from the back with Brianna.

"Ma, she just went to do something right now but let's go over with tias y la primas" I leave it alone and head back to the living room where some of my cousins are dancing and I join them.

We finish dancing and went to grab a drink. "You look so pretty in that dress" Esme told me.

"Gracias prima but that's all you" I kiss her cheek.

 (Dress adri wore)____________________________________

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(Dress adri wore)

Heres an update ! Sorry for taking a long time. I had horrible weeks dude! I lost a Bestfriend for good but I can't believe she turned out fake. There was 4 best friends counting me and I lost two but I didn't like one from the start 💀. I lost two and stayed with one Bestfriend. She a real one. But other then that sorry I took forever into updating! Also......


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