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Adri's pov

I can't believe that we haven't spoken. She hasn't sent me a message or even passed by my house to find me. It's been nearly three days already. Is she really going to ignore me ?

You know what. I anyways need to go to her house to pick up my laptop, I need it to write some essay for class.

I walkout my house in my black leggings and a sweatshirt. I didn't want to wear jeans or nun. I just wanted to keep my legs free today.

I get in my car and drive towards her house.

"Baby apaga tu celular
Que te lo voy a poner de nuevo
No te molestes en contestar
Que el segundo dura mas que el primero"

I sang as I drove. I really be feeling this Spanish music. Ima just enter her house quickly up to her room and grab my laptop and walkout and leave. Simple as that.

I hope.

I park the car in front of her house and get off and enter her house. I see Ricardo on the couch.

"Hey" I smile.

"Hey where you been? I haven't seen you" he frowns.

"I um just been at home and been going to my classes you know" I shrug slightly.

I walk over to the staircase and go up to mayas room.

I walk down her hallway to the very last room. I open the door and I see a maya in bed using her phone. She quickly looked up from her phone and saw me.

I enter and close the door behind me.

Mayas pov

I won't speak to her. What she did was fucked up. La neta se paso. Like who the fuck leaves their fucking girlfriend at the ball and rejects her into holding her hand in front of people and cutting me off.

She walked across the bedroom and towards the nightstand. She moved the stuff and couldn't find something. Her laptop.

"It's in the drawer" I softly said.

She walked over to the drawer and grabbed it. She grabbed the rest of the stuff that came with it and put it in its bag that was special for the laptop.

"You're not going to say a word?" I spit out.

Her silence was horrible. I don't like being like this. But she fucked up.

She crossed the bag on. She walked over to the door and as she was about to open it I closed it shut.

"You're really not going to say anything?"

"What do you want me to say?" She turned around and looked at me.

"I'm sorry maya, I didn't mean to leave you at the ball and to reject you in holding your hand and to cutting you off"

She scoffed. "Me apologize? You're the one who needs to apologize not me" She looked mad at me.

"Me? What did I do?" My hand was on her side, above on the right side of her head, blocking her from one side to move.

"You rejected me from holding your hand and leaving with me but noooo little miss maya had to stay with her fucking ex !" She growled at me.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

"It's not fucking funny maya. You acted like nothing ever happened with Kaitlynn. You acted like she never snapped at me and called me all those names. You acted like you were fine with talking with her. When before that you wanted to kill her but now when you saw her you forgot everything."

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