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Mayas pov

"Where the fuck is fucking Daniel!" I yelled out as most of his men where dead.

Shooting kept on going until it all stopped.

I ran out outside to notice some of his men dead on the floor. I looked around and found him standing with a Colt commando 223 Rem pointing at me.

I load the uzi gun I picked up in the warehouse.

"She didn't have anything to do with this. You knew you fucked up when you took her."

He threw his gun on the ground.

I did the same.

He took out his pocket knife and I well just with my bare hands. He came charging into me. I curved him and punched him in the face.

Next thing I know there's a gun shot fired.

Blood stain on my shirt. I look at Daniel, blood coming out of his mouth. I raise my shirt to notice he stabbed me in the stomach. Daniel fell on the ground and I put my hands on my wound and put pressure.

I turn around and notice one of my men with the gun, who shot Daniel.

"Don't worry about me Marcus, grab the rest of the men and clean this mess up"

I yelled and walk towards my truck.

I get in, with one hand I kept pressure on my wound and the other I start the truck and drive away.

I drove towards adri's house. I don't care how I am. I have to see her.

I park in her driveway and got out. I unlock the door and enter.

Ricardo quickly pointed a gun at the door. 

"Sorry maya I thought you were one of the men of Daniels" He unloaded the gun and put it away.

"Where's Adriana?"

"In the kitchen, she's just sitting down at the table with her head down. She's worried for you"

I sigh and walk over towards the kitchen. With both of my hands on my wound.


Adri's pov

I quickly look up to see maya, my eyes roam her body checking if anything happened t- oh god.

"What happened to you?" I quickly stand up and help her sit down on a stool of the kitchen island.

"Don't worry about it, are you okay?" She took my hands off her wound.

"We need to get you to the hospital"

"No, not a hospital, just clean it up please and you yourself give me stitches" She said.

I walked over to one of the kitchen cabinets and grab the first aid kit.

I place it on the counter top of the kitchen island and open it. I grab out a cloth and pour medical alcohol on it.

"Hold your shirt up" She did so.

"This might sting a little sorry" I dab the cloth on the. She twitched and whimpered. I kept on doing it for a little. I then place the cloth down and grab a needle. I started to sow her up.

"I'm sorry" I softly said.

I kept on going softly and slowly.

"For?" She asked and watched me.

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