
5.9K 135 3

*Sexual scenes. Well this whole chapter is sexual. Just saying !*

Adri's pov

"Wooooo!" I cheered for maya since she won in the slot machine.

"We should get going now," I said as we walked over to exchange everything we both won.

"Go? Hermosa i booked a hotel room for us" she kissed my cheeks. I smile.

Once we finish, we head up to a hotel room. Let me tell you it was gorgeous. So big. Like a penthouse. Everything very luxurious. It reminded me so much of the places maya took me to.

She placed the money we won on the bed and laid it out.

"5,000 in total" Maya looked at me.

"What the fuck. Really?" I run over to her.

"Si verdad mi hermosa" She smiled.

I sit behind her and sit on my legs. I place my head on her shoulder and kiss her cheek.

"You're kidding" I laughed softly.

"Nah Hermosa, te digo la verdad. 5,000. All for you"

I wrapped my hands around her. "Me?" I'm amused. I thought we would split it in half or something.

"Yes you Hermosa" She turned around and faced me. "Todo pa ti" She leaned up front and so did I.

"Pa mi?" A softly say against her lips.

"Todo pa ti bebesita" Her last words before she leaned in and kissed me. I been waiting for those lips of her to kiss me. I lean back falling down on my back and making her lean over me.

Her body heat against mine. Her hands on me. Her lips kissing me asking for entrance. I gave her entrance as our tongues fought for dominance. I won this time, a surprise. My tongue explored her mouth, against her tongue.

Her one hand roamed down the side of me, resting it on my hip. Her lips went down towards my neck, sucking and biting my bare skin. She brought her hands up and unbuttoned my shirt. Opening it she brought her lips down to my boobs on the top of my bra. She sucked on the bare cleavage of my boobs. Leaving me one or two hickeys on one side.

Her lips kissed her way to the other side and did the same. By now my chest was fully marked by her. And that's all that I wanted right now. To be marked by her.

Her hands roamed down towards my jeans and unbuttoning them as she pulled them down. Her lips kissed her way down from my chest to the lower part of my stomach. Kissing her way around my legs. She slowly pushed my panties aside as she kissed me gently.

I was already turned on, just having her lips on me is such a turn on. With her free hand she was playing with my boob.

"Fuck babygirl estas bien prendida" She said as she started to lick me up.

"Mhm" i softly let out as I try to hold in moans.

I look down to see her pulling off my panties and smashing my lips on my bare pussy lips. Making me moan aloud. She brought one finger in me as she sucked me up, then slowly brought her second finger.

"F-Fuck maya" I said under my breath as I moaned. With the hand that was on my boob she was signaling me to take off my bra. I did so, she kept on fingering me as her lips came up to my boobs. Setting lingering kisses on top of my new hickeys.

Her fingers enter and exiting out of me. Moans filled the room up.

It was a moment to not be ruin. You can tell we both didn't want it to end.

Her lips sucked around on my boobs. I started to take off her sweater. I pulled up her shirt and took off her bra. My hand roaming down her through her hair. Her lips on my nipples.

"I'm g-gonna c-cum" I moaned aloud. She pulled out her fingers, took off her pants and panties. She stood up and sat on top of me, facing towards one of my legs and held it up as both of our womanhood rubbed together.

Both of our moans roamed through the room. With her free hand she played with my clit. Her wetness slipping down towards mine.

A sexual romance right now.
A pleasure I only felt with her.
The only one who made me feel this type of way sexual and not sexual.

"B-Babe I'm gunna c-cum"I stutter aloud, couldn't hold the pleasure anymore. I started to cum as she kept rubbing herself down on my. Later she got off and started to eat me out.

More pleasure.

I then later notice I came into her mouth. She licked me up clean like always. She then came up and laid beside me and cuddled close to me. Kissed my cheek and laid her head on my shoulder.

I moved away and went down to her.

"Hermosa come back up here" Her last words before I ran my tongue on her womanhood lips making her moan aloud.

I say against her. "Maya just-" Her moans cut me off.

I chuckle and kept on eating her out. Rubbing my thumb against her clit as my tongue explore her and her walls. Her deepest desires.

I went on until she came. Then that's when I went back up to her and laid next to her under the covers.

"So will you be my girlfriend again Adriana ?" Maya kissed my head as I wrapped my arm around her stomach.

"Yes. I was waiting for you to ask me that question." I look up to her. She looked down and kissed my lips softly as she pulled back biting on my bottom lip gently.

"I love you babygirl."

Was the last thing I heard from her before my eyes closed and the tiredness taking over me.

Sorry if this chapter was short or some.

Aight. Aight. I updated for y'all. Dudeeeee we got 2.36k like wtffff. I'm so proud. Ahhh. Thanks for reading ! Always like and comment ! Can't wait for next chapter !!!

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