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(How the house looks like but that's the back part with the pool^)

Adri's pov

As she pulled up to her house I couldn't imagine it. She lives in a beautiful home! It's like a mansion. Wait is she rich? I wonder what she works in.

All these thoughts started to run in my head. She even has guards up front in the gates. As we passed through the gates she parked in front of the house.

(Front view of house)

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(Front view of house)

Oh lord who is this girl? She got off and opened my door for me.

"Aye adri" she waved at me. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry" I get off and look embarrassed.

"It's okay hermosa" she held my hand and we both walked up the stairs to the entrance of her house.

Oh lord as we entered it was so glamorous. I kept looking around like a little kid. "Like what you see?" She chuckles.

"I-Is this all yours?" I stuttered. "Yeah" she quickly answered. Oh my.

"It's so-"

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"It's so-"

"Gorgeous" she walked us upstairs.

"No well yeah that but I was going to say big" i looked around the hall as I can see theirs a rail for you to look at the first floor.

"Your home is such a beauty" i smile "also where we going?"

"My room" For some reason I started to heat up. Like get all red.

She opens her door and we both pass. I walk over to sit on the edge of the bed as she closes her door. "Can we watch a movie? Or do you have something in mind?" I played around with my lip.

"I was about to ask the same thing" she laughs softly. "But Yeah we can watch a movie." I stood up and took off my shoes as I sit on her bed against the pillows.

I look over at her and she takes her shirt off. I kept staring at her. I looked at her up and down like an elevator.

"You like what you see?" She smirks and bites her lips as she walks to her closet and gets a sweatshirt.

I blushed hardcore and looked away.


I placed my head on her shoulder, my arm around her waist, and my leg over her leg. I was so comfortable. We were in the middle of watching our second movie, Nobody's fool.

She had her arm around me and played with a strand of my hair. I look up at her and lean up and kiss her jawline.

"What was what for?" She smile as she looked down at me. "I just wanted to give you a kiss, could I not?"

"Hermosa, you could give me all the kisses you want." She winks at me.

I smile and feel my face heat up. "Aye I was wondering if I can take a shower?" I scrunch my face up and raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah sure hermosa" she stood up and so did I and we both walked in her bathroom.

As soon as we walked in I look around her bathroom. It was so big and glamours. She had a bathtub separate from where you take a shower. She had an enormous sink. She had everything you could of asked for.

She walked over to the cabinet as I started to undress myself. When she turned around I was just in my bra and panties. She looked at me up and down as she licked her lips softly.

"Here , two towels. One for your hair and one for your body." She handed me them as she kept looking at me.

"Yeah thanks"

I walk over to the sink passing her as i looked at myself and took off my bun. I shook my head as I let my hair loose. I shake my ass softly as I shook my head.

I looked at her reflection in the mirror as she bit her lip. I laughed softly.

"What you laughing at?" She looked at me through my reflection. "That your staring at my ass when I shooked it" i turn around and sit on the free space of the sink.

She walks over at me and stands between my legs. She grabbed my legs and wrapped them around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my waist as she softly tugged on the edge of my underwear.

She leaned closer to my neck and her lips on my neck. "You should take a shower now" she backed up and walked out and closed the door. "Fuck" I mumbled.

I get off and start to take a shower.

Maya's pov

I heard the water run and I go to the bathroom door and open it softly and gently. When I walked out earlier I didn't close it fully I just pushed it against. I enter quietly and leave her some shorts and a white plain shirt. I walkout out quickly and jump in bed.

She walks out with her towel around her and her drying her hair with the other towel. She puts the towel of her hair on the side.

"Are those clothes for me?" She asked as she stand in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Yeah they are" I look at her as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you but can I have like a bra or something?"

"Nope" I stand up and go to her. "I don't want you in any underclothes. Just a simple shirt and shorts" I pick her up by her legs and walk inside the bathroom and place her in the other free spot of the sink.

Damn this sink is big. Plus it has two faucets.

"I would want you without any clothing" I kissed her neck softly. "I would prefer that" I whispered against her ear as I bite her ear softly but yet seductively.

I could feel her letting going of her towel and since my body is against her, I'm holding her towel with my body so if I lean back it falls off.

I chuckle softly. "It's your choice" I back up softly and look at her. Her towel slips down to above her boobs showing her top part.

"I um.." she gulps.


Hey so I might be doing slow updates but i don't know. I'll still keep writing but maybe not posting them the same day. But keep this in your library and like and comment !!!

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