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Maya's pov

I ain't gone lie. We been dating for weeks now bro. For weeks. We bouta make 5 weeks which is gone be a month. And yet I haven't done anything nasty to her.... wait, I have. That day we went to the mall to choose her a dress. Which we never went to the club anymore.

I did finger her and she did almost reach her climax. I just want to put my tongue into her walls. Rip her walls with my tongue, sucking every last juice of her.

I had my hands over her clit as I rubbed it. Ain't gone lie this shit was turning me on. I just want to go down and eat her out so bad.

"We should take a shower Bebe" she softly said as she brought her hand back and laid it on my hip.

"We should or we could be doing this?" I turn her around and kiss her harshly and stick two fingers inside her.

She moaned into my mouth. Fuck. Just knowing she moans cuz of me, having her naked in front of me just turns me on hardcore.

I started to move my fingers in and out, fast at first.

She bit her lip to not moan out load I just watched her and chuckled. "Why don't you moan out load babygirl?"

I kissed her and tried to distract her as I keep on fingering her. I slowed down my speed and went slow.

"S-stop being a tease" she moaned in my mouth.

I smirked and went rough but yet slow.

"Mm- come on, why you like this?" She looked at me.

"Mmm cuz I want to see you enjoy it" I bit my lip smiling at her.

I went again and started to go fast but gentle.

Her moans filling up the room, her breathing hard made the glass foggy. Her body against the cold well now warm glass. My body pressed against hers as I enjoyed watching her.

She's an angelic but can be a demon.

"You like this don't you?" I whisper against her as with my free hand I go to her boobs and play with them.

"Mhm, y-yeah" she moaned out.

This girl is something else. Like ain't gone lie she's something.

Her legs trembled as she reached her climax. I wanted her to come so bad. (Don't say I didn't right 'cum' right I meant to right come)

Thoughts ran through my head. About her being her first time. I gently pulled out of her.

I don't want her first time with me in the shower.

"Let's take a shower" I backed up and went back into showering.

I walked out with a towel around me. I walked over to my drawer and looked through my parties and wonder which to pick.

Adri walked besides me and hugged me from the back. "You owe me two times"

"I assume your wrong, I don't owe you in anything Hermosa"

"Uh Yeah you do" she walked over and pushed me back softly and stood in front of me.

My body wanted to take that piece of only cloth of her to expose her body but my brain was telling me to not.

She walked more in front of me, making me walk backwards. I then bumped Into the bed and fell back. She sat on top of me.

"You" she placed her hands on chest. "Owe" she rotated her ass. "Me"

I stayed quiet and watched her. Her hands went to the top edge of my towel and unhooked it and slowly started to release my towel.

I want this so bad. She wants this so bad. We both want this. But I know it's not the right time.

She removed my towel leaving me naked on bed as she still sat on top of me. She looked at my body and bit her lips. I softly smirked not saying a word.

Her finger trailed through each inch on my body down. Circling my boobs she liked her lips. She leaned down and licked my nipple. I softly moved.

She circled my nipple with her tongue as she flickered her tongue up and down. I just watched her. For this being her first time she's pretty good.

She sucked on my nipple rough which made me moan out load. I bit my lip to not moan out. She sucked on my nipple as her free hand went down to my clit and rubbed it.

"Your being naughty" I sucked on my teeth. "And naughty girls get punished" she pulled away and I quickly responded and flipped us around.

I pinned her hand above her head. "I do owe you, your correct Hermosa but I'll give it to you when I think it's time" I kissed her forehead and got off her.

I walked back to my drawer. Fuck this girl left me horny. I couldn't control it.

I went back to her and kissed her. "You and I want this" I went down to her and brought her knees over my shoulders and pulled her to me. I looked at her entrance. Fuck she's just so... 🤤 (didn't know a word for that)

I slowly ran my fingers over her and flickered my tongue gently. I could feel her juices already. She's been turned on already. I slowly started to suck on her. I pulled her more up to me and gripped onto her more.

I roamed through her. Sucked in her delicate bare sensitive skin of hers. It was glory. I could hear her moans grow loud and loud, filling up the room.

I went faster and rough, pulling on her skin as I pulled away. I went back in, going through her walls, opening her up. Exploring her with my tongue.

I spread her legs more opening putting my tongue in deeper and sucking her harder. Fuck she tastes so good. I twirled my tongue in her. Tasting her juices.

"I-I'm g-gonna c-cum" She said through moans.

I smirked and went faster and deeper. I could feel her tighten herself but I kept on going. Making her open up with my tongue. I slide in two fingers as I go but rough. I would slow the speed downer to tease her.

I took out my fingers as she came and kept eating her out. I swallowed all her juices up and sucked her clean. I kissed down to her thighs and then made my way up to her. I kissed her jawline and her neck.

"You taste good" I smiled and got off her and went to change.


I did a sex scene ahhhhhh. I finally did it !!! I knew you guys wanted it but I didn't do it until now !!! Well here it is. Like and comment ! And share this book :)

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