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Adri's pov

I looked down at me and Maya's hands, she interlocked our hands.

"OMG babe! I missed you so much!" The girl in front of us squeals and gave in a to hug maya but maya curved her.

Who the fuck is this girl?

"Kaitlynn, we are not together anymore" maya looked disgusted as she talked to her.

"Why? Cuz your with this hoe?" This Kaitlynn girl pointed her finger up and down at me.

"Do not disrespect my girlfriend like that" maya growled at her. She gripped my hand harder, in a safe way.

"You think your going to last with her?" Kaitlynn scoffs. "When she's done with you, she's going to come back to me. She always does." She got up all in my face.

I couldn't take her seriously and l laugh softly.

"Don't believe me? Okay. Just see when she's down with you" she growled at me.

"Kaitlynn leave us alone and get on your path again"
Maya sounded real irritated now.

Did they really end that bad? Is maya just going to use me like this Kaitlynn girl?

So many thoughts went through my head at the moment.

My laughter went into a frown, a serious face.

"Awww did I hurt the little girl feelings?" She fake pouts.

"Bitch, get on yo way, nobody want yo ugly ratchet ass her" Maya raised her voice on her.

I just gulp and stay quiet and look down at the floor.

I don't want to go to this club no more. I just want to go home...

She laughed and roll her eyes.

"I love you maya" Kaitlynn petty ass voice said as she kissed Maya's lips.

I don't know if maya kissed her back but if she did then I don't know what. If it's true then I'll just get used... by a girl I'm starting to get feelings for.

Kaitlynn walked away and maya lead us to the car. She put the bags in the backseats. She came to where I was and pushed me against the car. Not in an aggressive way but in a another way... A way which made it feel good...

"What ever she said don't believe it" maya looked at me as I looked down at the ground.

"Your not going to get used because I truly like you not her. I want you not her. So stop getting mad or sad and shit" she made me look at her.

"Cuz you ain't going to get used" She caressed my cheek.

"Stop letting her ass get to you Adriana, I want you to know that I want you only"

" I want yo ass, I want you, I want your kisses and everything. So get that thought out yo head that you gone be getting used cuz you ain't." She kissed my neck once.

"I'm not leaving you, okay? Don't let her ass get to you" She pecked my lips.

I nod and get in the car and so does she.

Along the car ride it was so quiet. She didn't speak nor did I.

I laid my head on the window and looked out. I started to think about my relationship with maya.

What if I do get hurt? What if she hurts me? What if she doesn't mean anything she said?

Man, who am I messing with? This girl is rich and her ex just told me that I'm gone get used. I know we barely started dating today but lemme tell you I do like her. I truly genuine do like her.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I sniffed. More tears rolled down. I softly started to sob. I started to sniff a lot and I think maya noticed.

"Aye What happened babygirl?" She asked as she put one hand on my thigh and rubbed it.

"N-Nothing" my voice cracked.

"Okay something's up" she pulled over.

"What happened Hermosa?" She looked over at me and shifted her body with her hand still on my thigh caressing it.

"N-nothing... Can you just drive already?" I quietly said.

She sighed. "I won't until you tell me what happened"

"Is it true?... what Kaitlynn said... Are you going to use me?..." My voice cracked along the way.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"Adri, I'm never going to use you. Never"

"Y-you sure? Because I have hella feelings for you and i don't want them getting crushed..." I wiped my tears and sniffed.

"I promise you that as long as we last I'm going to be fiel to you hermosa. And I certainly promise you hermosa, that I will not use you"

I stay quiet and keep looking out the window.

"Let's go back home..." she sat up straight and drove back to her house.

We got back home and I quickly get out the car and walk inside her house. As I walked inside I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry"

I look up to see a guy , around his middle 20's. Latino, good looking, like 5'9.

"It's okay ma'am. I assume your miss Adriana?"

I nod and look up. "Yeah how do you know?"
I wipe my eyes and calm down.

"Well miss maya told us about you and said you would be here and that we should introduce ourselves to you but I guess I introduced myself in the wrong way" he laugh slightly in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh no it's okay" I smile "no need to worry, but what's your name?"

"Ricardo, ma'am"

"Well it was nice meeting you Ricardo and please just call me adri" I smile and walk away.

I made my way to Maya's room, everyone else of her staff saw me and welcomed me and introduced themselves to me. They seem all nice. The maids and some guys, are their her body guards?

I got to her room and entered her bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Dry tear stains on my cheek, my red eyes. I looked like a mess. I splashed my face with water and dried myself.

I look okay now, I guess. But I need to apologize to maya I don't know what got into me. We just barley started and I'm going to cause problems.

I took a deep breath in and let it out softly. "I'm stupid, I really do like maya and I shouldn't be like this. I'm acting like a child. I need to apologize to her"

I told myself in the mirror.

I sigh and ran a hands through my hair.


So I added in kaitlynn ooouuuuu. What y'all think? Also in the rp since they were in hs instead maya grabbed adri and pinned her against the lockers and started to tell her to not believe Kaitlynn, that she'll never leave and shit like that. But like & comment !!!! Oh also I'm working on another book , still not published. But I'm working on this first.

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