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Adri's pov

Why? Why right now?

I sit up and wipe my tears.

She told me she'd never leave. She told me she'd never cheat. She didn't keep anything.

I turn to look over to see maya walking out the restaurant. I look at the mirror to fix all the mascara smudged on my undereyes.

I hear the car door open in the front seat.

"Finally Angeline you ca-"

"You should really lock your doors." I turn over and look at maya.


"Maya please leave." I quickly look away.

"What happened to you? Were you crying"

I hide my face from her. I look away and look out the window.

"No maya, please le-"

I close my eyes to open to see her hand on my jaw and facing me to her.

"You were crying hermosa." She looked at me.

"Why were you crying hermosa?" She softly gazed her thumb on my cheek.

"A flashback..." A tear dropped.


"You and I.." Another tear rolled down.

Like always she always wipes them away with her thumb.

"I had a bad dream you woke me up and I told you about it and the dream was about you choosing a girl over me. You cheated on me with her. We broke things and you never came back to tell me I'm sorry or why or what made you do that." I close my eyes.

"The sad part about that thing is... you said ' I'll never cheat on you' 'I'll never leave you babygirl'" Another tear fell down.

"The dream was about us going to the club, this girl asking me to dance and you said no. We got back home I was mad and told you to leave. Next day you come you see that same girl in bed naked with me. Yes adri I remember that dream." She sighs.

"And I truly did mean that. I meant that I'll never leave you or cheat on you" She let go of my jaw and held my hand.

"Maya please don't tell me lies, I don't want to listen to more lies of yours" My bottom lip trembled.

"It's not a lie. I never wanted that to happen. I never wanted anything to happen between us. I never wanted to lose you. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Then why, why did you let it happen?" A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I I don't know..." She stutter out.

"Why do you keep telling me all these things and you still don't know why you did it? Huh? You just love breaking my heart don't you?" I clean my other tears.

"Hermosa, no i don't like breaking your heart. I'm sorry I don't have the answer you want. I'm sorry I left you hurting. But please Adriana give me another chance please." She held both of my hands.

"For what huh? So you can hurt me? Again?" I took my hands away from hers.

"Adriana please" She caressed my cheek, wiping my tears.

Her hand on my cheek made me feel safe. I calmed down and stopped crying.

"Come to my house to today, when you can or if you can't, tomorrow whenever. We need to fix things , and if we don't get together we can be friends or something"

"I'll come tonight and don't say if we don't get together, you damn sure know you're mine Hermosa"

She quickly came up and placed a kiss on my lips.

"We both know that" She kissed me again and I kissed her back.

Apparently we both wouldn't stop kissing. She pulled me over and i sat on top of her.

She slid down my jacket.Her lips crawled down to my neck. Sucking and biting each place.

I let out a soft moan. Her hands roamed to my ass, squeezing it making me moan louder.

Thank god I parked all the way in the back.

Her tongue flickering on my skin as she played with my ass.

I tilt my head back as i start to grind on her.

She pulled away from me to kiss my lips. "Now, Tonight when I go over to your I want to see those hickeys of yours" She ran her hand across my neck rubbing on my hickeys.

"And I don't want you to cover them or nothing" She gripped her hand on my neck, not tight she wasn't hurting me at all.

I nod. "Yeah"

She slid both of her hands back down to my curves and placed them there as I grinded on her.

"Why did I fall for this? Why does my body fall for yours?"

"What do you mean?" She furred her eyebrows.

"Why did my body take it this far? Why didn't I just stop myself?" I get closer to her but I stopped grinding.

Now I'm just sitting on her lap.

"Well maybe you're craving for me as much as I'm craving for you" She whispered on my lips.

"And I want you so bad" She kissed my cheek.

"I'll see you tonight" She ran her hand under my womanhood.

Making me moan aloud.

"No please right now" I begged.

"Now?" She questioned.

"Yes, like before how you'd do me in the car Maya, please" I pleaded.

"I just did you in the bathroom"

"But I want you now" I grabbed her hand and slid it inside my pants.

She bit her bottom lip. She took her hand out my pants and grabbed my boob and giggled it.

"See you tonight Hermosa" She placed a lingering kiss on my temple.

I get off her and sit back on the drivers seat.

"Sorry" I say quietly.

"For?" She looked back at me before as she opened the door.

"For trying to make you do something with me right now. Just forget this happened. I'll see you tonight so we can like fix things i guess"

She just sighs and gets off and leaves.

Few minutes later, someone enters the front seat. Me assuming it's angie.

"Ready?" I turn and look over to be put a black hood over me, a thing against my head. A gun. Next thing I know they knock me out passing me out.


Oouuuu what y'all think about adri? She got kidnapped or what? And y'all think adri and maya will get together again? Maybe , maybe not. Also yes they did have a make up make out session. Please like and comment !!!

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