Chapter 1: All That Remains

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You were looking up at the trees as you saw some birds flying overhead. You were so lost in thought until you heard Omid and Christa arguing. Not the yelling kind, it was more like a playful arguement as they were discussing on the name for the baby Christa was going to have real soon.

"What do you think?" Omid asked her. "Omid, you can't be serious." Christa said as all of you approach an abandoned rest stop. The two adults were squatting down and watching the rest stop, making sure there was no one around. "I am." Omid chuckled. "We are not doing that." She said as she stands up. "Why not?" Omid asked as he gets up as well and the four of you make your way to the rest stop.


"Come on, Christa. What's wrong with Omid?" Omid asked. "We're not calling our baby Omid. One of you is enough." Christa replied with a laugh. Then she turns to you and Clem and said. "Kids? A little help here?"

"Omid the second." Omid said, dreamily.

"No." Christa said, firmly.

"What if it's a girl?" You asked them.

"Then we name her Christa." Omid replied, smiling. "But I'm Christa. I don't want to call her Christa. That's just confusing." Christa said. "So name her Genevive. I don't care!" Omid said. "How can you not care?!" Christa asked him. "You're not taking this seriously."

"I take everything seriously. Especially little Omid's future." Omid said as the four of you make it to the doors of the men and women's bathroom. "Keep talkin' and you'll be sleeping in the rain tonight. Remember that time in Barstow?" She asked him as she heads to the men's bathroom. "Vegas weekend." Omid said and Christa smiles at him then nods as she goes into the bathroom.

"Why don't you two, uh, get cleaned up in the girl's room." Omid said as he turns to you two. "I hope the sink works in there." Clem said as he approaches the door, you following behind him. "I wouldn't count on it. Just be careful, and make sure to keep track of your things. We'll be right next door." Omid said. "Okay." You and Clem said and the two of you enter the girl's bathroom, where it looked really dirty. 

"Hello?" Clem calls out but there was no response of any kind. You two start checking the stalls to make sure nothing was there. Luckily there wasn't. "Good, no one's here." You said to Clem. "Guess it's safe to get cleaned up." Clem said as both of you turn to face the sinks and mirror.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, noticing that you were covered in dirt and sweat. Ugh...You thought as you place your backpack on the side of the sink and pulled out a bottle of water and rag as Clem turned the faucet but no water came out. 

"Figures." He mutters and he pulls out his bottle of water and rag and the two of you began to wash your own faces with it. You look up at the mirror to see your clean face again. Better You thought as Clem packs up his stuff.

You were about to when you knocked over your water bottle. "Oh, shoot!" You exclaimed. "What?" Clem asked you go to the stall at the end and open it to find your bottle on the floor in front of the toilet. You reach down and grabbed the bottle. "Ew." You muttered.

Suddenly, you two heard the bathroom door open, making you and him jump. You two look and see, in the mirror, that it was an older girl coming in and both of your backpacks were left on the sink counter. Clem pushes you in the stall and shuts it behind him and ushered you to get on top of the toilet. 

You got up first and he followed you as you saw the feet of the girl going up to the sink. Clem stood in front of you like a shield and both of you waited as you hear the girl digging through your packs. Clem could see through the crack of the door that the girl picked up his gun.

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now