Chapter 12: Caught Red-Handed

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"All right, we're all here." Kenny said as all of you gather around the table, looking at the walkie-talkie.
"Someone's gotta get the radio out to Luke. What's the problem?" Rebecca asked. "We should probably figure out who's doin' what before we--" Kenny started to say when the door opens, revealing Tavia. Kenny grabs the walkie-talkie and hides it behind his back.

"Time to get up. Daylight's burnin'. They let you sleep in, all things considered." Tavia announced as she walks in. "Where's my dad?" Sarah asked her. "He's where the rest of you are goin'. To work." Tavia said to her then she looks over at the others.
Then she looks up at the others. "Rebecca, Nick, Sarah, Jane....if you gotta take a piss, do it now. The next break won't be for a while. Troy'll be comin' up for the rest of you." She said, looking at you, Clem, Kenny and Mike.

"Why just them?" Kenny asked her. "Like I said....Troy's comin' for the rest of you." Tavia said as the four people she named walks out with her then her assistant shuts the door.

"All right, look. If we're gonna do somethin', we have to do it NOW, and if Luke's all we got, then we pair up with him." Kenny said as he turns to you, Clem and Mike. "I can do it. Where's the meetin'?" Mike asked. "Mike." Kenny whispers. "Yeah?" Mike said. "Clement or (y/n) should do it." Kenny told him.

"Are you fuckin' kidding?" Mike asked then you guys heard something fall.
All of you look at the door but nobody came in. "No offense, but--c'mon, that's crazy, they're kids, why would--" Mike started to argue.
"There's a million reasons. They know Luke, they can hide, Clem got the damn radio for us in the first place...." Kenny said.

"Who cares?" Mike asked, annoyed.
"And I'm sorry Mike, but I don't know you from fuckin' Adam, all right?" Kenny said. "And if I'm trustin' someone to do somethin' this important, I'm trustin' them."

"I'll do it." You speak up. "Don't do somethin' stupid just to get some respect." Mike said to you as he gives you a concern look. "She doesn't need your respect." Kenny said. "Give me the radio." Mike demanded. 

Suddenly, the door opens and Troy walks in. "All right little chickens, let's get to peckin'." Troy announced. "All right." Mike mutters. "And don't think today's gonna be like yesterday. No way. No shenanigans. This rooster's gonna be surveilling your ass every second of the day, you hear? Got that?" He asked. "Yessir." You and Clem said in unison and Troy smirks at this.

"Come on." He orders as he turns around. You were about to walk forward when Kenny stops you and starts to fiddle with your jacket pockets. "You have your pockets all out." Kenny said as he moves his hand around while sneakily sliding the radio in your pocket. 

He gives you a look and you stare back at him then he backs away as he says. "Gonna get your tags all snagged on somethin'." Troy gives you two a suspicious look while Kenny shrugs at him. Troy shakes his head and said. "Let's go." And all of you walk inside the building.

You were heading towards the emergency exit when Bonnie calls out. "Hey." Then she points at you and Clem and said. "They're with me." She walks up to you guys as Troy mutters. "Oh, shit, I almost forgot." Bonnie glares at him and folds her arms across her chest. "Yeah." She mutters as you and Kenny exchang worried looks. 

"Well, take them then. I don't care." Troy said as he uses his gun to shove you and Clem forward to Bonnie.
"Wait, wait. What's goin' on?" Kenny asked. "Nevermind." Troy growls.
"Just chores of a different sort. Come on, kids." said Bonnie as she walks away. You and Clem start to follow her as Kenny calls out after Bonnie. "Can't you cut them a break? They'd really rather keep with us.....people they know."

"It's nothing that'll hurt them." Bonnie replied to him. "Okay." You and Clem said then you turn to Kenny and said. "It's okay." 

"C'mon." Bonnie said and the three of you walk away from Kenny and Mike.

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