Chapter 5: A House Divided

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Back at the house, it had been hours since Clem, Pete, Nick left and everyone got worried, especially you.
"I should've gone with them." You said. "And you would've been missing too." Carlos said to you as you, him and Rebecca sit at the kitchen table.

Earlier, Alvin and Luke went out to search for the three and so far that hadn't returned either.

You wrapped your arms around yourself when the back door opened and in walked Clem. "Clem!" You exclaimed as you run to him and hug him. He hugs back as Carlos asks. "Are you all right?" Then he looks around to see Clem was by himself. "Luke's not with you?!" He asked.

"Where's Alvin?!" Rebecca shouts as she and Carlos stand up. Clem looks down as you pull back from him.

"What happened?" You asked him.

"Pete got bit." Clem replied. 

"WHAT?!" Rebecca exclaims as you and Carlos stare at him in shock.

"What happened?" Carlos asked.

"Walkers." Clem simply replied.

"Where were you? Where were you exactly?!" Rebecca asked Clem, angrily, as she walks up to him. "Down by the stream." He replied.
Rebecca looks up at Carlos and said. "We gotta go."

"Just hold on a minute." Carlos said, trying to calm her down. "My husband is still out there! GET THE GUNS!" She shouts and Carlos frowns then heads to the living room to grab a couple of guns.

"Luke and Alvin went out looking for you. I told them not to go." Rebecca said as she glares over at Clem then she turns and mutters. "Dammit Luke." At that moment Carlos walks back in the kitchen with the guns and hands one to her. Rebecca takes it and walks out the door.

"Clement...(y/n)...can you two....can you guys please watch Sarah? She's upstairs. Just distract her." Carlos said as he faces the two of you. "We'll take care of her. You can trust us." Clem said. "Thank you." Carlos said, with a sigh of relief.

"You guys will be safe inside. Just don't open the doors for anything. We'll be back soon. And....thank you." And he walks out the door.

"So Pete got bit?" You asked and Clem nods and tells you how he and Pete were trapped in an abandoned ambulance until sundown. He convinced Pete that they could get out and head back here but they got surrounded by walkers and Pete told Clem to run and never look back. "I'm sorry, Clem." You said and he shrugs at this. Then he holds up your bag and said. "Look what I found!" And you saw your backpack in his hand.

"Where did you find it?" You asked as you take the bag. "One of the scavengers that attacked us was there and he had both of our bags. I hope you don't mind but I gave some of your water to Pete." Clem said and you frown and shake your head. He looks up at the ceiling and sighed.
"Well....time to keep Sarah entertained." You nod and the two of you head upstairs.

Clem opens the door to the bedroom, Sarah stays in, when you two were greeted with Sarah holding up a camera and said. "Say cheese!" Then a white light flashed in your eyes along with a clicking noise. "I found this under the house. There was all kinds of old stuff!" She said as a picture prints out and she grabs it and hands it to you.

You look at it as the picture of you and Clem started to develop, both of you with a look of surprise on your faces. "It's so cool!" Sarah said. "Take one of me!" And she holds up the camera to you guys. "Come on, take one of me." She begs.

"Sure." You said as you take the camera. "Get me in a good pose, okay?" Sarah said as Clem folds his arms across his chest. You raise the camera and position it right on Sarah's face as she smiles. "Okay, I'm ready." She said through her teeth and you take the photo.

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now