Chapter 17: The Baby's Coming

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"You're tellin' me your arms ain't tired?" Bonnie asked Mike as you three make it back to the park. "Nope. I can do this all day." Mike bragged and you roll your eyes just as you guys hear a scream.

The three of you run as you see Rebecca sitting on a bench and holding her belly, Kenny kneeling down next to her and Clem standing by. "Shit, shit. Oh, God..." she mutters. "Breathe like I told you." Kenny instructs her. "Okay, okay, okay....oh God." Rebecca said as she breathes in and out.

Sarah looks over and sees a herd of walkers coming and she begins to panic. "Oh, no....Clem....(y/n)..." She said and all of you see them. "Shit! Walkers!" Bonnie exclaims. "How'd they get that close without anyone seeing 'em? Wh'the hell's Luke?" Mike asked, frustrated.

"Kenny! We've gotta do something!" Clem said to Kenny. "You just keep that baby safe." Kenny said, firmly, as he stands up and walks over to the walkers. "Kenny?" You and Clem said with worry. "We can't stag here!" Bonnie shouts after him.

"Clement! Where's the place you and Jane found?" Rebecca asked the young boy. "I'll show you!" Clem replied. "Good. Someone help me up." Rebecca instructed as you turn to Mike. "Mike! The water!" Mike nods and runs as Bonnie helps Rebecca up on her feet.

Meanwhile, Sarah just stands there and stares at the walkers. "Sarah! Let's go!" Bonnie shouts at her and she begins to run towards you while Kenny starts beating a walker with a crowbar.

"Kids, I....I don't think he's okay....he's losin' it." Bonnie said. "He's doing it to protect us." You said as all of you head to this archway that Clem was leading you guys to. "Sure, but... " Bonnie started to say but stops as you guys run.

"Kenny!" Mike shouts and Kenny stops the brutal beating and runs away towards you guys. You guys run towards this large two story building as walkers started coming out of the woods.

Clem runs up the stairs and looks around for Jane or Luke. "....that's about as human as I've felt in a long time. I almost forgot what--" Luke started to say until he looks over and sees Clem. "Clement!" He shouts as Clem looks and sees both Jane and Luke sitting on the floor, really close to each other.

"What's going on?" Clem asked them, suspiciously. "Well, uh....I mean...." Luke stammers until the others start piling in. "In here. Let's get you comfortable." Bonnie said as she ushers Rebecca in. Kenny walks in and glares at Jane and Luke. "What the fuck are you two doing up here?" He asked them, angrily. 

"Kenny! What's going on?" Luke asked, nervously, as he and Jane stand up. "We've got God-knows-how-many walkers out there which YOU were supposed to be keeping an eye out for." Kenny yells while Luke glares at him. "Hey, hold on a second....just tell
me what's goin' on!" Luke shouts.

"What's goin' on is you're a reckless fuckin' moron." Kenny replied.
"Walkers are right behind us! We have to keep them from getting up here." You said to Luke. "There's still the stairs." Jane said just as Rebecca let's out a loud scream. "Fuck, I'm sorry." Luke said, apologetically.

"Shit, shit!" Rebecca mutters as Bonnie starts to lower her to the floor. "They're coming up the stairs!" Mike shouts. "Here. Uh, we should...." Luke started to say but Kenny stops him. "You wanna help? Get out there and keep the walkers off us! I'll do this. I've been here before." Kenny said as he kneels down in front of Rebecca.

"They can't rush us on the stairs! Shoot 'en before they get to us!" Mike shouts as Luke and Jane run out to help him. "Clem and I will go outside. We'll help hold 'en back." You said to Kenny. "Go. I've got Rebecca." Kenny said and you and Clem run outside.

"Here they come!" Mike exclaimed as he picks up his gun and began to fire at the oncoming walkers that was stuck at the close gate Mike just set up. Luke hands you and Clem a hand gun and said. "Here. We can't let them up here." You and Clem take aim and began to fire at a few walkers, along with Jane, Mike, Luke and Bonnie while Sarah coward behind you guys as she watched in fear.

"There're too many of them!" Jane said as she looks over the railings. "Shit!" Mike shouts in anger. "Keep shooting! They are NOT gettin' up here." Luke orders but the gate starts to shake. All of the adults run towards it and hold it up. "Find somethin' to block this gate!" Mike orders as Clem taps your shoulder and points at the cannon. 

"We can block the gate with this!" He said and the two of you run over to it and start to push it then Luke comes and helps the two of you to push the cannon. "Together. Ready?" Luke said and the three of you push it until the wheel of the cannon falls int the cracks and makes the edge of the balcony and stairwell collapse. "Holy fuck!" Mike said as he, Jane and Bonnie move away.

"What the fuck is goin' in out there?" Kenny asked just as you guys heard a groan and a cable that was connected to the walk breaks. "Get back! Get back!" Luke shouts and everyone runs just as the wooden balcony falls, causing Sarah and Jane to fall. Luckily, Jane held on to the edge of the balcony while Sarah was trapped under some wood piles. 

"Jane!" Clem shouts as Luke runs over to her and grabs her hand. "Sarah! Hang on!" Bonnie shouts. "Fuck! Fuck, hurry! I can't hold on!" Luke shouts at Jane while Sarah screams for her life. "Jane, save Sarah!" You and Clem shout at her. "Are you two crazy?" Jane asked. "There's no way she's getting out of that!"

"We can't leave her without even trying! Just go!" You said to her. Jane glares at you but let's go of Luke's hand and lands down and goes over to Sarah. She tries to pick up the wood that has fallen on Sarah while Mike and Bonnie fire at the walkers coming at them. 

"Okay, move!" Jane orders Sarah as she lifts up a large chunk of wood. "I can't! Help me, somebody help me!" Sarah screams. "I'm trying! You have to listen to me!" Jane shouts at her. "Sarah, you have to trust Jane!" You shout at the girl over her screams of fear just as a board falls and hits Jane in the back of the head. 

"SARAH!!!" Luke screams just as walkers come up on Sarah. "DADDY!!" Sarah screams in fear as the two walkers come and start to bite and eat her while Jane stands up and runs up on the partially falling balcony and climbs back up to you guys as you and Clem watch Sarah be devoured by the dead.

"I'm so sorry, kids. We tried. It just....wasn't enough." Jane said, apologetically. "Thank you for going down there." You said, tearfully, while Clem placed an arm around your shoulder. "It wasn't your fault." Clem said to Jane. 

At that moment, Rebecca let's put another scream of pain as Kenny shouts. "PUSH!" All of you watch them as Jane looks down and said. "Oh shit! They're climbing up."

"What?!" Bonnie asked in disbelief. "They're gonna make it up here." Jane informed them.


"Does this shit ever end?!" 

"We need to break the rest of the deck!" Clem said. "He's right. He's right! Drop the whole deck!" Luke ordered. "Drop the....are you fucking crazy?" Mike asked him. "How are we gonna do that?!" Bonnie asked. "I don't know, just look around!" Luke shouts and you noticed the cables, that are attached to the rest of the deck, are attached to a support plate on the wall. "Look!" You shout as you point at it.

"That'll work! We bust that, the whole thing comes down." Luke said as you look over at Clem. "You have your axe?" You asked. He nods and hands it to you then you look over at Mike. "Boost me!" You said to him and he picks you up as he brings you to the corner then placed you on his shoulders.

You used the axe to repeatedly hit the plate until finally it comes off. "Watch it!" Luke shouts. "Son of a bitch!" Mike screams as the rest of the deck collapses on top of the walkers. Mike sets you down just as you hear Bonnie cry. "Oh....oh no."

All of you run into the room and see that Rebecca did give birth to a baby, but unfortunately he wasn't moving or crying. Kenny, who was holding the newborn, stares at the baby in sadness while Rebecca begins to cry.

Until the baby begins to cough then cries. Kenny gasps and smiles as the baby begins to make noises. The rest of you smile and began to gather round Rebecca and her newborn boy.

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now