Chapter 19: No Going Back

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You and Clem fall face forward on the snowy ground as everyone begins to fire at each other. You look up and see Arvo hovering over his friend, trying to revive her. "Shit. I'm hit! I'm hit!" You hear Mike shout as he holds his left arm and goes for cover.
"Kids!" You hear Luke shout as he fires and ducks behind a stone wall.
"Fuck you! You started this shit!" Kenny screams as he hides behind a tree and fires at a few of Arvo's friends. Clem slowly gets up and runs over to the road and you watch him as you wonder where he was going.

It was then you realized he was running towards the baby and grabbed him. You get up as Clem grabs the baby and runs over to the stonewall. You run over to the wall after Clem and you two duck under as Clem holds the baby close to him.
"Holy shit. I didn't even see him out there!" Luke said in shock as he looks over at you two. "Good work, Clem." He said as he stands up and was about to fire but ducks before a bullet could hit him.

"Shit. Okay....okay, we gotta do somethin' y'all. We're pinned down here. We can't just...sit here and let this guy take potshots at us 'til he runs outta ammo." Luke shouts. "So quit talking about it and do it!!" You shout at him, angrily. "Yeah....yeah, all right." Luke mutters.

"This don't have to get any worse than it already is! You can just go!" Kenny shouts at the Russians but they still fire at you guys. One of them shouts at Kenny in Russian. "English, motherfucker!" Kenny shouts at him.
"I kill every one of you!" The man said and he fires.

"If I can just get over to that side of the wall, I could maybe get an angle on this guy. Cover me, all right?" Luke said, looking between you two. "Yeah, okay." You said. "I'll cover you. Clem has the baby." 

"Good. Good." Luke said. "I just need the distraction. Okay? All right, on my go." He said then he looks over then said. "Go!" And he starts to run while you pull out your gun and stand up and shoot at one of the men as Luke runs over to you and Clem but a bullet hits him in the leg and he falls backwards.

"Luke! No!" Bonnie screams as one Russian man was about to shoot him but Kenny shoots him in the head before he could pull the trigger.
Luke drags himself next to you and Clem as you duck down in cover.

"Luke! I'm sorry!" You said, fearfully.
"It ain't your fault." Luke said as he looks at his leg. "Well, he got me in the leg, but....I think....I think it went straight through....shit, I don't know. I'm gonna be fine.....I think I'm gonna be fine." Luke said as Kenny runs over to Arvo, grabs hin and aims his gun at his head.

"You get out here, or I put a bullet in this kid's head!" He threatens. "Leave him alone, Kenny! He's just a kid!" Bonnie shouts at him as Arvo tries to wiggle out of Kenny's grip. "No! I'm ending this!" Kenny shouts at her then he looks towards the woods. "Get out here! Right fuckin' now!" He screams as the other man comes out and aims his gun at Kenny, shouting at him in Russian, while Arvo tries to break away from him.. 

"Quit fightin' me, boy! You think I'm bluffing? Get out here!" Kenny screams as you see Arvo's female friend come back as a walker and she starts to craw towards you and Clem. You raise your gun and shoot her in the head.

"Nooooo!" Arvo yells and he breaks away from Kenny and runs to the girl while Kenny ducks from the bullets.
"Natasha! Natasha!" Arvo cries as he goes over to her body, seeing blood pouring out of her head. "Noooo! Please!" He cries then he looks over at you, seeing you holding the gun, and glares daggers at you.

The last gunman stands up and starts to walk and shouts at all of you in Russian when suddenly he made a gargle sound. He turns around revealing, not only a knife on his back but also Jane standing behind him. He looks at her and tries to say something and also tries to reach out to her as she stares at him shock until Kenny comes up and shoots him in the head.

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