Chapter 4: Nick Or Pete?

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Clem was sitting at the table in the kitchen and watch Carlos as he looks over your arm and the handy work that Clem did. Nick was standing across from Clem, pacing back and forth as he bites the end of his thumb. Luke was also in the room, pacing around as he watches Carlos. 

"This might hurt alittle." Carlos warned you as he grips your arm. You hissed at this as Luke asked. "How's she look..?" 

"His suturing skills need some work, but otherwise I'd say she should be fine." Carlos said as he gestures to Clem, who smiled and sighed in relief.
"So it wasn't a lurker bite?" Luke asked him. "If it was the fever would've already set in and her temperature would be through the roof." Carlos replied as Nick stomps out of the room. Luke follows him as Carlos re-wraps your arm then goes to the sink to wash his hands.

Then he turns his head to Clem and said. "I wish you wouldn't've done what you did."

"What d'you mean?" Clem asked him as Carlos turns back to the sink. "You manipulated my daughter." He replied, lowly. "I asked for her help." Clem said. "She's not someone you can just ask for help. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few things you two need to know about my daughter." He said as he wipes his hand dry. "Okay...." Clem said, a slight nervous tone in his voice, while you look at Carlos, your eyebrow raised.

"She isn't like you two. You guys may not get that initially, but once you two are around her for a while you'll understand. If she knew how bad the world is...what it's really like out there....she would...cease to function. She's my little girl. She's all I have left and I would ask that both of you stay away from her." Carlos said. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." Clem said, not wanting to push any buttons on Carlos. "It's okay. You're forgiven. Just don't make any more mistakes." He said as he walks out of the kitchen and Luke walks back in with two bowls full of food.

You jumped off of the stool and walked over to the table as Luke looks between you two. "Hey, uh....brought you guys some food if you two are hungry." He said and both you and Clem smile at him as he sets one bowl in front of Clem and the second bowl right next to him. You take that seat as Luke sits across from you two.

You and Clem began to dig into the food as Luke nods to your arm. "That's gonna leave one helluva scar." Luke said. "Better than losing it." You remarked and Clem chuckles. "You can say that again. Scars....they're way cooler than stumps." said Luke and that made you and Clem glance at each other then frown. 

"What?" Luke asked, concerned.

"Nothing. We just had a friend who lost his arm once, that's all." Clem replied and you two continued to eat until Nick walks back in the room. Nick walks up to the table and looks at the two of you and said. "Hey, look. Um, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for....well...for being a dick out there. I got kinda aggro and that was definitely not cool."

"Nick's been known to go off every once in a while. Don't hold it against him." Luke said to you two. "Yeah, I guess we all have our moments." Nick mutters. "You were just protecting your friends." You said to Nick as Clem nods. "Yeah, we get it. We would've done the same if it was reversed." said Clem.

"I didn't mean to be so harsh....I just....we had a bad experience once." Nick said. "We've all had bad experiences." Clem replied as Nick takes the extra seat next to Clem. "Nick lost his mom. We took care of someone who'd got bit." Luke replied. "It was my fault. I--" Nick started to say but Luke shook his head.

"It was no one's fault. We thought we could control it, but....we couldn't. And then she turned and his mom was standing right there and she got attacked..." said Luke. "There was nothing we could do about it."

"Anyway. Hopefully you kids understand." Nick said as he stands up. "Bad things have happened to everyone." Clem said and Nick smiles at him then he walks out of the room.

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