Chapter 6: Traveling

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"Now, you said it was just up here?" Luke asked Clem as he points ahead. You, Clem and the others had been walking in the forest for awhile when Luke asked this. "Yeah. Just a little ways." Clem replied to him with a frown. 

You placed your hand on his shoulder as Rebecca comes up to you two. "Hey, kids. Sorry if I gave you two some shit back there. I'm just a little on edge. It's just a tough time right now, with the pregnancy and all." She said and you could tell on her face she was genuine. "It's okay." You said to her with a smile. Clem nods as Rebecca says. "If it's not you two I'm yellin' at lately, it's Alvin, and then I'm in real trouble." 

She smiles at you two as Clem said. "We can handle it. We're not little kids."

"I felt the same way when I was your age. My dad was always givin' me shit, and I always thought he didn't know a damn thing. I know you two did your best back there. You know, none of us would make it on our own. Sometimes it's hard knowing just how dependent I am on everyone. I'm not used to that. I'm not comfortable with that. I'm supposed to be a mom soon. Guess I need to work on my patience. Alvin and I still don't know what to call her. Or him, if that man gets his wish, God help me." Rebecca rambled just as Clem stopped and turned to his right. "Any ideas?" Rebecca started to ask when all of you see Clem walking towards an abandoned ambulance.

"Clem?" You called out as you follow him. Clem walks up to the ambulance and points at it. "There. That's where we were... " he said and Nick makes a run to it and opens the back door to reveal nothing inside. "He's not in here!" Nick said, fearfully. 

"This was the last place I saw him." Clem said. "Maybe he's around here somewhere." Alvin suggests and everyone starts to look around. "Keep your eyes open. And stay in sight." Carlos said as everyone searches for Pete.

You walked up to the side of the ambulance and saw a trail of blood which lead to a large boulder. You frown as you follow it, which you now regret following. It lead you to Pete's body, his guts were ripped out of him. 

You let out a loud gasp as Clem, Nick and Luke go over to you and see the site before them. "Oh my God." Nick said, his voice shaking in fear. "What happened? What the hell happened?"
He's been shot." Carlos said at he points out the bullet hole in Pete's head. "He didn't have a gun." Clem said. "Who did this?" You asked as Luke and Nick hug each other. "Son of a bitch...." Alvin mutters in despair. 

"We need to go." Carlos said, urgently. Everyone starts to leave but Nick stays as he looks at Pete's body for a few moments then he follows the others.

"Tell me. Tell me how it happened." Nick demanded from Clem. "The last thing he said was he wanted to say goodbye to you." Clem replied and Nick frowns. "Fuck..." He cries and he slows down his pacing a bit to stay in the back of the group.

"I'm worried about that kid. Keep an eye in him for me, would you?" Luke asked you and Clem. Both of you nod at him as he asks. "You guys sure you still wanna come with us?" 

"We don't have anywhere else to go." You said to him. "Well then, welcome to the party." Luke said.

"Yeah...thanks." you and Clem replied.

"We're, uh..  we're smarter than we look." Luke said and he pulls out a map and looks it over. "I figure we got about four or five days to reach those mountains. Now, if they're trackin' us, we should be able to lose 'em up there." He says to the others. "Five days?" Rebecca said in fear. "It's gonna be okay, Bec." Alvin assures her. "We have to keep moving now. It's our only choice." Carlos said as you guys continue on.

Five Days Later

All of you were sitting down taking a rest as Clem climbs up a boulder and pulls out his binoculars. "See anything?" Luke asked him as Clem looks at the bridge. "There's the bridge." He said. "Does it look passable?" Luke asked. "I think so." Clem replied. "Good." Luke said with a smile.

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