Chapter 21: Freezing To Death

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The next day, you and the group were walking when Mike, who was carrying AJ, turns to Luke. "You sure you're good?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. If I start to crap out. I'll let you know." Luke said as he limps as fast as he could. "Okay, well you do that. It's no trouble." Mike informed him.

"How much further?" Kenny asked Arvo. "Close. Very close." Arvo replied.
"You've been sayin' that every time I ask." Kenny said, anger rising in his voice. "Please. Come." Arvo said as he keeps walking ahead. "I'm really startin' to think... you're full of shit." Kenny yells just as you see a walker come up behind Kenny. "Behind you!" You shout and Kenny turns around.
"What the fuck...!" He shouts just as the walker comes up behind him.
Kenny screams as he falls backwards and the walker falls on top of him. "Kenny!" Bonnie shouts as you run to Kenny and shoot the walker in the head. "Holy shit!" Kenny exclaims as he shoves the walker off of him.

"That was close." Mike said as Kenny stands up. "Fucker came outta nowhere." Kenny exclaimed. "That was real loud. Hopefully there aren't more of 'em." Bonnie said as she looks around the forest. "Yeah, well, let's move. We don't want to be around to find out." Jane said. "Is very close. Come." Arvo informed Kenny and all of you continue on.

"There." Arvo said as he gestures towards a large house that looked like it was half built, which was across a frozen lake. "That piece of shit? It's half built." Kenny said to him. "We're here for the supplies. Not the house." Jane told Kenny. "Is warm. Fireplace. Very warm." said Arvo. "I'd just like a place to sit if I'm honest." Luke said as he walks up to you. 

"Is there any other way to get there? Do we have to cross the lake?" Clem asked the others. "We should've stuck to the treeline." Jane mutters. "The fastest way between two....things is a straight line." Kenny said as he looks over at you and Clem. "It's not far. Just be on the lookout." Bonnie said and all of you go to the edge of the lake.

"Maybe there's a way around." Bonnie suggest. "I don't see any." Luke said as everyone looks around. Arvo turns to you and the group then starts to speak in Russian. "Say it in American, asshole." Kenny shouts at him. "Is okay. Walk. Ice." Arvo assures.

"No shit, ice. That's the problem." shouts Kenny. "He's saying it's fine." Bonnie informed Kenny. "I go first. I can be front." Arvo said. "Maybe we shouldn't clump together. We just can't have too much weight." You said.
"She's right." Bonnie said. "We need to spread out. Just to be safe. Less weight, the better." said Jane. "Let the Ruskie go first....since he's so confident." Kenny said as he glares at the young man. "Is okay." Arvo said and he hobbles over to the lake and crosses it, the rest of you not far behind.

As you and Clem get to the lake, you look over at him with worry. He glances over you and he frowns when he sees your worried look. He reaches out and takes your hand in his. You look at him and gave a small smile and the two of you, slowly, walk along the lake.

Suddenly, you heard a crack under your feet. You gasp and look down to see the ice had cracked. Clem looks down and sees the cracked ice. "Just hold my hand." He whispers to you, soothingly, and you take a few deep breathes then walk along with him. 

"We're okay. Don't worry." Luke said, who was a few feet behind you and Clem. Then you heard noises behind you. "We've got walkers behind us." Jane informs the others. "It's only a few of 'em. We should be all right." Mike assures her. "Let's just get to the house." said Bonnie just as Arvo walks alittle faster and farther than the others.

"Hey! Stay with us!" Kenny shouts just as you guys heard something crash. All of you turn to see some walkers falling through the ice. "That's two less to deal with." Jane said. "We'll just stay spread out and we'll be fine." Bonnie said just as Arvo starts to take off. "Hey! Motherfucker!" Kenny screams as he chases after Arvo.

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