Chapter 8: We're Going Home. As A Family.

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You, Walter and Clem walk out of the lodge and into the windy cold air. You three were walking forward when Walter turns to you two. "I'm sorry about that." He said, apologetically. "I used to be a teacher. And I remember what it's like to be caught in the middle of two cliques. I suspect they'll find common ground soon enough. It may take a little time, but that's just how these things work. Everything will be fine." He said and you and Clem frowned.

The three of you start to turn a corner around the building as Walter continues. "Listen, relationships are like any machine. You don't throw them out when they break down. You get your hands dirty and you grease the wheels. What do you say? Will you two help me work on them?" He asked. "We want to stay with you and Kenny." Clem replied as you nodded with a smile. "Then stay you shall. I know that'll please Kenny." Walter said.

"I missed him." You replied. 

"Yeah, me too." said Clem.

"And he missed both of you, I can assure you." Walter said then he stops and turns to you two. "They say the world is over, but I'll tell you a secret: it's not. People are more political now than they ever were before. In the end, we can't change the world. All we can do is continue to learn from each other; to empathize and use our heads. All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal. Steinbeck. Have you two heard of him?" Walter asked but both of you give him a confused look.
"Well, we have plenty of time to catch both of you up on your reading. My partner Matthew is amassing quite the literature collection. I think you two will like him. In any case, the point is: as long as we have our waits about us, we can always make the right choice. Right?"

"Right." Both of you replied. He smiles down at you two but you frown at this. "What's the matter, (y/n)? Is there something you want to tell me?" Walter asked, concerned.

"I'm worried about your friend....I think that--"

"Don't worry. Matthew will be back soon and everything will be fine." Walter assures. 

"But I think...." you start to say when a voice interrupts you. "Hey, kids. What are you three talkin about?" You guys turn to see Kenny walking up to you three, his rifle in his hands. "Oh, politics." Walter said. "The hell?" Kenny said, confused. "Being from Florida, I would imagine you know all about politics, Kenny." Walter teased.
"Man, I know the one advantage of livin in the apocalypse is not dealin with that shit no more." Kenny replied with a chuckle. "I was just gonna check the windows round back before the storm hits. Give us a hand?" 

"Sure." Walter said and all of you follow Kenny and turned around the corner were you see a woman, with long red hair in a ponytail, pressed up against the windows, looking inside. Kenny jumped and was about to raise his gun but Walter stopped him and he turns to the woman. "Miss?" He calls out, causing her to jump and move away from the window. 

She sees that Kenny had a gun and she raises her hands up. "Please. Do you have any food?" She asked. "Are you okay?" Walter asked her. "I saw the house, and....I have a family. We're starving. We live down there." She said as she points behind her, her voice quavering and shaking. 

"Of course. Why don't you come in, miss....?" Walter asked as he trails the end of his sentence, asking her for her name. "Bonnie." She replied. 

"Walt, I don't know. You're just gonna let her in like that?" Kenny asked him, suspiciously. "It's fine, Kenny." Walter said, firmly. "We don't know this girl." Kenny said to him. "Then we'll have to get to know her, right kids?" Walter said as he looks over at you and Clem. "Check her for weapons." Clem said, quickly. "Yeah...." you and Kenny agreed.

"Thank you, really, but that storm'll be on us soon and I gotta get back to my family." Bonnie said. "I'll bring something out to you then." said Walter. "You don't have to do that." said Bonnie. "No, no, it's fine." Walter said, vaguely waving his hand. "What about your people?" Bonnie asked. "We've got plenty. You stay put. I'll be right back." Walter said and he walks back inside the lodge.

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