Epilogue: Wellington

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You were standing at the bottom of the hill, looking up as you see a large cloud of smoke coming from the other side. This is it! This has got to be it!! You thought as Clem turns to Kenny. "You want me to hold him?" He asked Kenny, gesturing toward AJ. "Nah, he's still light. We're fine." Kenny said as he walks up to you two.

"Come on, I'll race you two to the top." Kenny said then he takes off in a sprint, laughing with glee. "Hey!" You shout and you and Clem take off after him. "Come on, Alvie! We got this!" Kenny said to AJ as he ran all the way to the top of the hill.

"You cheated." Clem accused as Kenny stops and stares at the sight before him, a long large gate. Wellington. "Holy shit...." Kenny gasps. "We did it, kids....that's....that's gotta be it "

"It's about time." You said. "You're tellin' me." Clem said. "Took the words outta my mouth." said Kenny. Then Kenny turns to you two and asked. "What are we waitin' for? Come on!" Then the three of you began to walk towards the large gate.

"This one's gonna be the one. Look at those walls. We'll finally feel safe, kids. Be able to sleep at night...." Kenny said when suddenly you guys heard a gunshot. You flinched at this as the bullet hits the ground just a couple of feet in front of you. 

"That's far enough." A woman's voice said over a speaker system. "Just stay still, kids. Do as she says." Kenny said and you and Clem stand up alittle straighter. "Put your hands up, kids." He said and both of you do as he says. 

"Drop your weapons." The woman ordered. You and Clem look over at Kenny, who nods at you. Clem pulls out his gun and tosses it aside while you pull out your knife and gun and tossed it away as well. "Approach the gate." The woman ordered and you three slowly approach the gate to see a little opening where a woman appears.

"Hi, I'm Edith." She greets. 

"Name's Kenny, and this here's Clement and (y/n)." Kenny greets her back. "Hello." Edith said then she sees AJ in Kenny's arms. "Aw, what a handsome boy. Look at him. What's his name?" She asked. "Alvin...Junior." Kenny replied. "Aw, he's gonna be a little heart breaker when he grows up." Edith teased.

"Is there someone named Christa in there?" You asked Edith, hoping that maybe she made it. "I don't think so dear." Edith replied, shaking her head, which made you and Clem frown at this.

"So...this is Wellington, right?" Kenny asked her. "A lot of people call it that." said Edith. "Okay....so, what do we do to get in?" asked Kenny, curiously.
"Well....I'm afraid this is the part where I give you the bad news." Edith said and she grabs a large duffle bag and tosses it down on the ground in front of the gateway. "The hell's this?" Kenny asked, confused. 

"That's some supplies. Food, water, some medicine, a first aid kit--"

"What? Why're you givin' us this?" Kenny asked. Edith sighs and said.
"Unfortunately, our community isn't accepting new members. We're over capacity as it is, and there's just not enough to go around if we keep bringing people in. Things might change in a few months..."

"You gotta be fuckin' kidding me!" Kenny said, devastated. "I'm sorry. I really am." She said and you could tell that she didn't like it either. "But....we have a baby." Clem pleads to her. 

"This....this is hard for me too...I don't want to turn anyone away, especially children, but--"

"Just take the kids!" Kenny pleads. 

"What?" You and Clem said, confused, as you two stare at Kenny. "Please! Just take the kids. It's too dangerous out here for them." He begs.

"Kenny, I--"

"It's just a little girl, a little boy and a baby boy. You can make room for that. You can take back the supplies you gave us if that helps. Please, just....I need them to be safe...and it's safe in there, I know that. Just... ask someone....please? They won't make it out here.. please!" Kenny begs Edith, tearfully. Edith, moved by Kenny's words, closes her eyes then opens them as she looks back at him. "I'll...I'll ask. Just gimme a second." She said and walks away.

Kenny places his right hand over his face as he sighs with relief, while you and Clem stare at him, dumbfounded.
"You two don't need to look at me like that....this is for the best." He whispered. "We're not staying here without you." You said to him. "Yes, you are." Kenny told you. 

"No. We're not!" Clem argues.

"Yes, you are!" Kenny shouts. "It's safe here....you three'll be safe, that's what's important now." Edith walks back and said. "We can take the children, but....just the children. I made the case that--"

"Thank you! Thank you." Kenny said, relieved. The he turns to you two and hands AJ to you. "Listen. Okay? Listen. This is your chance. For you two and this boy. I don't trust myself to keep you three safe....not anymore. Please....I'm begging you two, please stay here....stay here where it's safe. Where you three'll have a chance."

"No. No. No." You and Clem cry, as tears fall down on yours and Clem's face. "Why are you doing this?" Clem asked him, tearfully. "Because it's the only way....for all three of you. Think about Alvie here...Please, kids, just....do as I'm askin'....this one last time." Kenny said as tears fall down his face.

"No! We're leaving! All of us. Together." Clem said, firmly, through his tears.

"Clem, please. It's safe here. You need to think about the--"

"Stop! Stop, okay? We're not staying, so just stop. That's that." You said to him, firmly. "Sounds like....sounds like they mean business." Edith said, her voice full of tears. Kenny let's out a breath and said. "Yeah....yeah it does."

"Come on. We're leaving." said Clem as Kenny shakes his head in disbelief. You guys hear a thud and you see that Edith had tossed another duffle bag next to the first one. "I'm only supposed to give out one per group, but....Look, if you're in the area, check back in a few months. We might be accepting people then." She said.

"Thank you for the help....and, uh, sorry for the language." Kenny said. "Well, it's a shitty situation...we're all doin' the best we can. You all stay safe out there." She said and the three of you smile and nod at her. She smiles back and leaves while Clem and Kenny grab the duffle bags.

"You two are stubborn as a damn mule." Kenny said as he looks at you two. You and Clem smirk at him as you replied. "Yeah? Wonder where we got that from?" Kenny chuckles then the three of you turn and walk away, leaving Wellington behind you.

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now