Chapter 9: In Harm's Way

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You were staring at a butterfly on a tree, just lost in thought, then your reached out to it but the insect flies away before you could get close to it.
"You about done over there?" A voice called out, annoyed. You jumped as Sarah walks up next to you. "Yeah, one second!" She calls out to the guy, who was standing in the middle of the road.

Sarah was zipping up her pants as she turns to you and said. "Thanks for coming with me. It's scary out here. I know they made you....It's still nice that you came."

"We're friends....friends look out for one another." You said, smiling. "We are, aren't we.....Well, if you need to pee, let me know. I'll keep lookout for you, too." She said. "Uh....okay." you said, unsure, and the two of you walk back to the truck.

"Everything come out all right, girls?" The guy asked but you and Sarah just give a slight nod. "Troy. Get 'em tied up." Carver ordered. "Will do..." Troy said and you and Sarah get closer to the truck while Carver talks through his walkie-talkie.

"Well, we're on our way, probably thirty minutes out. Make sure everyone's prepped. Emotions might be running high. Carver out." He said as Troy ties Sarah's hands up. Carver looks up at Troy and said. "If I find out you've been wasting fuel to keep that fuckin heater going, I'll make you walk back."

"Nope. Froze my ass off....just like you told me to." Troy said as you stare at Carver's walkie-talkie. Carver noticed your stare and said. "It ain't polite to listen to other folks conversations. Has anyone ever taught you that? Where's your manners?" You don't reply, you just glare back at him in defiance.

Carver walks up to you then raised his hand and back hands you so hard you fell to the ground. You let out a yelp as Sarah shouts. "No! Stop! Don't hit my friend!" You placed your hand over cheek as Carver growls. "You don't want to test me, girl. I'll pass every time." You sit up as Sarah shouts. "Leave her alone!"

Carver glares at her and she lowers her head. "Tie her up and throw her in with the rest of 'em." Carver ordered as he walks away. Bonnie walks over to you and holds her hand out to you. You look up at her then take her hand. She helps you up and she gives you a worried look before she walks off.

Troy goes over to you and ties your hand up then he opens up the back of the truck. He turns to you and Sarah and aims his gun at you guys. "In." He ordered and you and Sarah climb in.
"Are you guys okay?" Sarita asked just as Kenny and Clem noticed the red mark on your face.

"(Y/N)! You okay?" Clem asked as he scoots closer to you. "The hell did he do to you? Did he hurt you?" Kenny asked you but you don't reply. Kenny turns to Troy and shouts. "Hey! Hey!" But Troy shuts the gate of the truck.

All of you sat there in silence as the only noise you hear is the truck screaming down the bumpy dirt road, with an occasional jolt of hitting a pothole. "All right, we gotta do something. Come on. Anyone got anything sharp? Anything? We need to get these binding off!" Kenny said as he looks around at everyone. "Hey! Clem, (y/n) me find something to get these off. Anything sharp that could cut these...."

"And what good is that gonna do?" Rebecca asked him. "The hell is wrong with you people? We gotta get out of here." Kenny shouts. "Like what?" Clem asked him. "What do you mean, like what? Something sharp. Anything that can help! A fuckin'----I don't know. Anything!" Kenny shouts, annoyed. "We're in a fuckin' precarious position here. We gotta do something about that!"

"Settle down, Kenny. They took everything. We have to keep a level head." Carlos said to Kenny, calmly.
"He's right. You don't know Bill like we do." Rebecca said. "Bill? This whole time it's Carver, Carver, Carver, now he's fuckin' Bill?" Kenny asked her, angrily. "Oh, I see what it is. Y'all are just gettin' a ride home, aren't ya? That's what's goin' on here."

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