Chapter 2: Sam

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You woke up with a start and began coughing up the water in your lungs. You rolled on your back to see that it was morning. You stand up but felt a sore pain on your side as you start to stand up straighter then you started to feel cold again.

"Hello....? Clem? Clement?" You called out as you wrap your arms around you. There was no response. Your heart started beating faster in your chest as you began to walk forward. You looked out on the river to see some broken boats which you see that they once belong to a boy scout group.

You frowned at this as you continue onwards. You look up to a platform with some stairs at the top of it. You sigh and jumped up, grabbed the edges and pulled yourself up. You get on the platform then walked up the stairs which led you to an edge of a different part of the forest.

"Christa? Clem? Are you guys there?" You called out but nothing. "Clem, if you're out there, this isn't funny!" You said but again nothing. You frowned and became afraid as you start to think that you were truly alone now and that there was no one there with you.

You sniffled as a tear rolls down your cheek. You wipe it away and decided to continue on through the forest. Everything looked so big and scary when you're alone as you look around at the large trees and hearing nothing but the sound of the wind blowing and your footsteps hitting the dirt and grass.

I'm so lost. You thought as you look around until you heard a shuffle. You gasped and started to walk slowly, afraid that someone could be here. There was a sound to your right and you jump as you saw movement in the bushes. You approach it and saw a dog.

The dog turns to you then starts to growl at you. "It's okay, boy. It's okay..." you said, calmly. Then the dog barks at you. You kneel down close to the dog to see his name tag: Sam.

"Well, nice to meet you, Sam." You greeted then the dog whines and walks over to the side and sniffs around that area. "What's he doing." You said aloud to yourself and you follow the dog, who barks and takes off. "Sam. Sam! Where are you going? Wait up!" You shouted as you chase after the dog.

Eventually, Sam lead you to what looked like an abandoned campsite. There was a broken down van and a couple of shredded up tents not far behind it, a barrel and a rusted out grill. There was boxes torn up and strewn about on the ground, almost like an attack happened here. "Hello?" You called out but once again, nothing. Looks pretty run over....but you never know. You thought as Sam sniffs around the area.

Suddenly, your stomach began to growl and you look over at Sam. "Let's look around for some food." You said and you began to look around any intact boxes you could find. At one point you found a fressbie and You picked it up then smiled. "Hey?" You said as you turn to see Sam trotting up to you. "Wanna play? Wanna play catch?" You asked Sam. He gives you a couple of happy barks and you through the disk. Sam runs and jumps in the air as he catches the disk in his mouth. 

"Okay, bring it back!" You said to Sam and he brought the disk back then sets it down and let's his tongue hang out as he pants. "Good boy, Sam." You congratulated and you continued your search for food.

Suddenly, Sam barks and takes off. "What's the matter, Sam?" You asked as you follow him. He stops and glares at something then begins to bark at it. "Shh. We have to be quiet." You said but he didn't stop so you go over to see he was barking at a tree.

You look around and see that there was a walker tied up to the side of the tree, a knife sticking out of his arm.
"It's okay. He's dead." You told Sam as you kneel down. "Look, you can see the bite. Looks like he tried to cut it out." You said then you frowned at this. "But that never works. Ever." You muttered as you remembered Lee.

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now